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TW:Mention of Rape, Crying, Swearing, Rape, Death threat ish

Hi so..I think I'm ready to make more chapters by the way thank you so much for the nice comments.

Karl's POV
I woke up at 6:30am too get ready for classes I haven't gone to any for the past 2days but I'm gonna try even though Sam is in a couple of my classes and sits next to me but Dream and Hanna are also in all of my Classes so I'll hopefully be fine.

I got ready for the day and walked too the great hall with Niki and Bad we walk in the great hall and sit were Tubbo,Alyssa and Puffy are and wait for the feast/breakfast to start.

*Time skip after Breakfast*

After breakfast we go to class i have charms with Dream, Hanna, Punz, Technoblade and..Sam but I'll be ok because Dream and Hanna are their i walk to class with Hanna and Dream we walk in and we're the first students in class and Professor Flitwick was there we took our seats and waited for everyone else to get their.After about 5minutes everyone was sitting in their seats and Sam was sitting next to me for Charms class everyone had their Wand, books, a parchment paper and quill we were learning how to use the Wand-Lighting charm this spell makes the tip of your wand glow a bright white light I finally got it after about 7tries and luckily Sam dint try to talk to me this class.

*Time Skip after Charms*

After Charms Class I had Herbology with The same people as Charms we walked too the Herbology Green house which Professor Sprout taught their were already a couple of students in the green house.

I wasn't really sure what we learning about I wasn't really paying attention I was zoned out most of the class and I went to the bathroom before Defense against the dark arts Class I tried to be quick since Professor Snape would probably be pretty angry.

On my way out of the bathroom someone grabbed my wrist.I turn around too see who grabbed my wrist and see...Sam. 'oh no..no no no this cannot be happening' i thought "Don't tell anyone what happened the other day or I'll fucking do it again and use Crucio on you....oh wait you already told Dream huh?"he said I stood there frozen in fear and he said "Well guess you know what that means...." and dragged me into a stall.

*After you know*

After Sam left I put my clothes on and just sat there crying in the stall for what felt like forever I was waiting until class was over too go to my bed and lay down.After a what felt like at least a couple hours I decided too go back to my dorm I grabbed my things and ran too the common room quickly tapping the barrels in the right order and going straight too my room laying down and just cried I let it fucking happen I got fucking raped again by the same dam person how why dint I fight back hard enough maybe if I could have gotten my wand out I could have done something and I would be ok but I din't instead I got fucking raped.Fuck!Im so useless and weak to let it happen again not just one time two two fucking time!Somehow I managed to fall asleep..

Dreams POV
On our way to Defense of the dark arts Class Karl said he was going too the bathroom and to not wait for him so we went and he dint show up that Class neither Transfiguration or even potions!He loves potions and his favorite Professor is Slughorn which is surprising somewhat since most huffelpuffs favorite Professor is Sprout.I was waiting until classes were over to look for him the second classes were over I grabbed my things and ran to the bathroom he wasn't there so he might be in his room but I can't go in there since only huffelpuffs can open the common room I'm on decent terms with Alyssa so maybe I could ask her I mean yah sure why not I'm pretty sure her last Class is Transfiguration Which Professor McGonagall taught I ran to the class and saw Alyssa everyone else was gone except her "Hey sorry I know I keep asking you this but can you open your common room so I can talk to Karl?"i ask "Yah sure!"She says we have a conversation and I think we're sorta friends now I'm still not a hundred percent sure but we're on good terms she pretty cool too.We get to the Common room and she open it by tapping the barrels and I thank her and go to Karls dorm knocking.

"Hey Karl it's me, Dream" i said I hear a quiet 'come in' I walk in and close the door behind me  i see Karl laying on his bed with tears streaming down his face i walk over to him and sit on the bed "hey Karl what's wrong"I say and hug him after a while I ask "Wanna talk about it?" he nods "S-Sam....he-he did..i-it ag-again"Karl says in-between sobs i immediately knew what he was talking about Sam fucking raped him I'm done playing games I'm gonna kill him and I mean it I comfort Karl for a while until he falls asleep I leave the common room and go to my dorm.Lucky for Sam he wasn't there so I just did a bit of work we got from our Professors and when I finished I just laid down and went too sleep.

Hiya so I'm back now officially um yah so bye remember to eat food, drink water and remember you are loved, appreciate and you are worth living Im always here if you need to talk


Karlwastaken ~ hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now