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TW: Swearing, Homophobic parents, Bulling and being beat up mentions,

Hiya! I hope you enjoy the chapter! :]

Dreams POV

"Are you sure?" Karl began "You don't have to help, I'm sure I can figure something out, maybe I could stay with Will or Tommy or even Tubbo maybe even Ranboo-" "Yes I'm sure I want to help it's my choice to do this and besides I'm your boyfriend It would be quite stupid and toxic not too" I said cutting him off.

". .ok, if you say so" "I would say you could stay with me but I'm a pure blood your a muggle born my parents are very...what's the word, strict on blood status and there very homophobic." I said "I know it's ok, and I have been kicked out so i cant say that you can stay with me." Karl said.

"Honestly I would have never though we would be together considering, you bullied me until this year, came off as very homophobic, Beat me up, and our different blood status's since you were..strict on that too." Karl said.

"Yeah, you know I've apologized before but I'm still really sorry.." I said with guilt in my voice. Karl sighed and said "I forgive you, don't worry." "I know you've said that it's ok, but I need you to know I was fucking stupid" I said.

"Ok, ok but don't worry about it" Karl said. We continued watching TV until late in the night and fell asleep.

*Im just gonna time Skip to the end of break sorry I know Christmas but just pretend they had it with Wil's family and it was fun!(Im so sorry I just don't have that motivation)*

Break was over, sadly. It seemed to go by very quickly, at the moment we were on the train to Hogwarts I sat in a compartment with, Niki, Bad and Karl obviously.

Karls POV

"Hello Karl, bad and Dream! How was your guys break?" Niki kindly asked.

"Mine was good thanks for asking Niki" Bad said. "And Karl n' Dream how about you guys?" Niki said looking at us.

"Um, Well Karl you tell them" Dream said looking at me. "Well me and Dream..we're dating..!" I said not knowing what her and Bad's reaction would be, like my dad I thought he would be excepting but clearly not..

Niki giggled softly.

"I knew you guys liked each other!" She said smiling. "You knew?" I asked "Well, Dream told me he like you and it was obvious you liked him!" She explains.

I turn too Bad to see his reaction and he smiles "Aww, like Niki I knew you guys liked each other" Bad said.

"How did everyone know?!" Dream says. "You guys made it very obvious," Niki says.

"Really? I dint think so?" Dream says.

"How was your break Niki?" I ask

"It was great actually, thanks for asking!" She said

"No problem" I say

*Time Skip to when their at Hogwarts!*

Once we're off the train and have our bags we walk inside Hogwarts and go to the Great hall.

We sit down at our house tables, I sit in between Alyssa and Puffy. "Hey how was your guys break?" Alyssa asks. "Pretty good." Puffy said.

"Mines was ok" I said i wasn't really sure how to feel I started dating Dream so that's great but I got kicked out so not great I guess?

"Why what happened?" Puffy asks. "Um, I'll tell you guys later..." I said not knowing if Dream was comfortable with me saying it or not.

"Oh ok" Alyssa said. The feast starts, and everyone starts grabbing food putting it on their plates while talking.

*Time Skip after the Feast*

After the feast everyone starts to leave the great hall to their common rooms or Dorms.
{I was rewatching the 5th HarryPotter movie and found out/remembered that theirs 2-5 people in each dorm so remaking one dorm It's Now Niki, Puffy, Alyssa instead of just Niki and Puffy}

I walk over to Dream quickly so no one can really see since most people don't know were even on ok terms, besides the one time Dream stood up for me, but even then only about 5people were there besides us. "Dream, is it ok if I tell our friends we're dating?" I ask him quietly. "Yeah as long as your ok with it." He whispered back. "Thanks" I quickly whisper because I see other Slytherins start to walk up to Dream.

I quickly walk back over to where most of the Hufflepuffs are and we walk near the kitchen corridor we're the barrel are, and tap them in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'.

It was very welcoming — considering it was a basement I'm not joking it's called 'Hufflepuff basement', it really unfair to me how Hufflepuff's have a basement, Slytherins have a dungeon yet, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have their own towers. People clearly have favorite houses.

I still really like the basement it was round, earthy, low-ceilinged, welcoming, warm and sunny. There were lots of yellow hangings, burnished copper, and overstuffed sofas and armchairs upholstered in yellow and black, and circular windows that provided a vista of 'rippling grass and dandelions'.There was also a large, honey coloured, wooden mantelpiece with carvings of badgers on it. It was hard to believe that it was all located underneath a portrait of the house's founder, Helga Hufflepuff, next to the Kitchen corridor.

I walked to my dorm that I share with Bad. When I entered Bad was already unpacking his stuff. "Hi Bad" I said as I walked over to my own bed and start unpacking. "Are you tired?" Bad asked me. "Mm no not really I think I'm gonna stay up for a bit longer. "Ok I'm going to sleep though, goodnight Karl!" Bad said as he closed his drawer and laid on his bed. "Ok then goodnight Bad!" I said and continued to unpack my stuff quietly to not bother Bad.

After I finish unpacking my things I grab a book I was reading called 'Twilight' it was the last book I had read already read the other ones. I go out to the common room, by this time it was already pretty dark out so I was alone in the common room, though It dint bother me. I sit down on a armchair and start reading where I left off.

After a while I was tired so, I got up and went to my dorm putting my book in one of my drawers then got ready for bed and laid down, falling asleep.

Hiya remember to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and worth living bye bye! <3 (and yes I'm back!)


-Pickle 💚💜

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