21~Always and Forever~(the end)

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TW: Swearing, Mention of Self harm, crying, kissing (not sure if that's a TW),

Thank you guys so much for 7k reads, I'm so very thankful for you guys I really do appreciate it! Also this is the last chapter hope you enjoy!


•Whats your favorite dsmp duo/ship?

• Lmanberg or greater Dream smp?

Karls POV

*Time Skip too Valentines because plot (act like it's on Friday)

After classes I went too the common room to do homework, while I was doing homework Bad came out of our dorm, "Hey Bad." I said looking back down at my homework, it was for DADA we have too write a essay about the imperius curse, which I actually knew about because it's been used on me *cough* Technoblade, *cough* Quackity, *cough* Dream. So it's really not that hard, but I still hate DADA.

"Hey," Bad says sitting down on one of the couches, "whatcha doin?"

"I'm doing homework," I say sighing softly "for defense." "Oh what's it about?" "I have too write about the imperius curse." I said. "Oh ok is it difficult?" Bad asks. "We'll no not really it's pretty easy if you know the three unforgivable curs— wait don't you have the same homework?" I ask realizing that we're in the same year.

"Not that I know of I haven't gotten it yet," Bad said, "maybe we're getting it Monday."

"But you have defense before me?" I asked, I'm getting confused. "No I don't." He says. "Oh um ok then maybe I'm just mixing you up with someone else then." I said, I was genuinely confused I swear bad has defense before me. "Oh yeah, so it's really it difficult you just have too know the three unforgivable curses." I said. "Hmm, ok well all of us are gonna hang out at hogsmade! Do wanna come with us?" Bas asks. "Uh, I'm good...I don't feel like it..plus I have homework!" I said feeling bad. "Ok, have fun with homework!" Bad says and gets up leaving the common room.

I try too continue doing my homework but I can't focus I sigh and put my homework back in my bag, I din't want too do homework anyway.

I walk too my dorm, and put my bag next too my bed, I lay down and close my eyes,  I don't want too go too sleep I'm just bored....oh shit it's Valentine's Day, and I have a boyfriend!


I get up and leave the common room, where would he be? I first check the great hall, he wasn't there, nor the library, so either his dorm, the black lake, or hogsmade, I don't want too go to hogsmade and I can't get in his dorm so imma check the black lake.

I walk out of the castle and too the black lake, it wasn't too late probably around 5:30ish so the sun hasn't gone down yet but it's probably gonna go down soon though.

When I get their I see some in front of it sitting by a tree. So that's Dream, or this is about too be real awkward.

I go up to the person and slightly sigh of relief, it is Dream, "Hey Dream, happy Valentine's Day, I love you!" I said smiling.

He looked up at me, "Hi love happy Valentine's Day, I love you too!" He said returning the smile.


"Love? Thats new you've never called me that?" I say smiling, that's cute.

"Is there something wrong with that name?" Dream asks. "No just it's a new one!" I said a bit too quick. Dream slightly smiles. I sit down next too him and he put his arm around me. "I love you so fucking much Karl Jacobs you know that right?" Dream says seriously looking at me. "...yeah, I love so much to Dream." I said a little hesitant. Dream sighed.

"Look, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, told me this because they were concerned for you and because they care about you, ok?" Dream says. I tense up a bit, they dint tell him did they? I nod, ok.

"They told me that you... um,..that you... self harm." He said, my eyes widen no, no, no, no, no. "I..I'm, I'm so..sorry" i whispered. "Hey, you don't have to be sorry about anything ok, it just... why dint you tell us?— you know what scratch that it's probably really hard too tell someone, but I want you to know that, I will always be here for you, ok? I swear."

I nod my head wiping some tears away, but, they kept coming, "...you promise?" I ask in between sobs. "Always and forever." (If you know where that's from you are cool) He said pulling me into a hug, I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Always and forever" I whisper.

"Mhm." He said and giving me a small kiss.

*Time Skip a little*

The sun was starting too go down Dream and I have been talking about random topics.

"Hey Karl, can I talk too you real quick, like alone please?" I hear a voice say behind us, it was Bad. "Yeah, sure." I said, "I'll be right back!" I told Dream.

Bad and I walk for a bit before he asks, "Why are you distancing yourself from us, because your never with us anymore."

"Well..I just think that, that...you wouldn't want me to be there." I say. "So your saying that we don't like you?" He asked, I nod my head. "Karl, why would you think that! We love you! Your amazing you bring us happiness, and we thought you dint want to be friends with us!" Bad explains.

"...oh, um, I'm sorry I just got the wrong message then." I say. "That's ok, do you want too hang out with us in the common room when your done talking with Dream?" Bad asked, I'll admite I was a bit hesitant, since I still don't know for sure that they weren't annoyed by my presence, but I still agreed.

"Hi, I think I'm gonna back to the common room..if that's alright with you?" I said as I walked back to were Dream was. "No, yeah it's fine, no worries goodnight love. I love you." He said hugging me, I hugged him back. "thanks, goodnight, I love you too." I told him. He kissed my forehead.

When I got back too the common room all of us just kinda hung out we talk about everything we could think of, then went too bed. I sigh once I lay down, I like the whole,

Always and Forever.

Well there you go the last chapter to this book I hope you enjoyed thank you so fucking much for all the read, votes, and just everything tho there's still more books in working on! Bye I hope you enjoyed the last chapter make sure to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and worth living bye!


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