573 18 3

TW:Swearing, Knife but no harm caused

Hiya here's the chapter I hope you enjoy it!

Dreams POV
Once we got to what Karl said was an 'Ice cream place' we got out of the car and the place looked similar to the place we were earlier we saw Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur sitting at a table outside we sat with them "Ok so your trying ice cream, Dream POG!" Ranboo says "Yah, but what is 'POG'?" I ask "POG? You don't know what POG means?" Tubbo asks "No." I said confused  "Well it means like,..mmm, like good, great, cool, nice, awesome in like one word." Tommy explains "Mmm, ok." I say in response.

"K let's get ice cream now." Karl says "K" we get up and walk inside the door and walk up to the counter "Dream what do you want?" Karl asks "I don't know I've never tried this I dint know there's different flavors." I say "Um, can we please get a.. Chocolate chip ice cream." Wilbur asks the lady "Yes anything else." The lady says "Yah, what do you guys want?" Wilbur asks them.

Once we get our ice cream we sit back down outside. "Ready Dream?" "Yah I guess so." I say getting a spoon of ice cream from the cup. I eat it and it was really good i don't know how to describe it except what Tommy n' Ranboo said earlier POG.

"How is it?" Wilbur asks "It's POG." I said getting another spoon of it. "Ey we got him to say POG!" Tommy says happily "Yes!" Tubbo says.

We stay there for a bit eating our ice creams while talking for a bit I got to know Wilbur and Ranboo a little more.

*Time Skip*

Once we were done we decided I should try, 'Chocolate chip cookies'. I've had cookie before but not chocolate chip cookies. They said I should try them from a place called 'Cookie Crumble' apparently it's very good from there.

When we got there we went inside and got 2 boxes of cookies and decided to go to Karls house we got in the two cars and drove there.

When we got there we went inside and went to the Kitchen and Karl grabbed a knife [Its to cut the cookies cause there really big.].

We set the box on the counter and sit down "So," Tommy said " The milk chocolate ones the best." He finished, We all laugh at that. "Mmm, no personally I think the pink donuts the best one." Ranboo says.

"Well your wrong, Mr. my favorite song from Bo Burnham is Bezos 1." Tommy says. [ I'm not sure if I got that quote right ] .

I was confused by that, who's Bo Burnham?

"Um...question, who's Bo Burnham?" I say. "You don't know who Bo Burnham is Dream?" Tubbo asks. "No." I say still confused "Well he's a song artist." Tubbo says "And Comedian and Writer." Ranboo adds "And don't forget he's also n' Actor and Filmmaker." Tommy also adds.

"Mmm ok so what is 'Bezos 1'?"

"It's a song By Bo Burnham." Wilbur Says "Oh ok." I say "K you should try the Milk chocolate one first since it's like the most basic one." Karl says opening one of the boxes and cutting the four cookies in half and handing me half of a cookie.

"Ok I guess so..." I say grabbing the cookie from Karls hold while everyone else grabs a half off cookie.

I bite the cookie and it's really good it's not bad  at all it taste like a cookie from the wizardry world, but it had like small chocolates in it so it was a mix, it was pretty good.

"It's actually really good." I say "Told ya the milk chocolates the best one." Tommy says.

"I've only had the Milk chocolate one I can't say it's the best one." I said taking another bite of the cookie.

Tommy mumbled something under his breath I couldn't hear.

*Time Skip like 3ish hours*

Wilbur, Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo had left about an hour ago and so I was just in my room reading a book until Karl came in my room.

"Hey wanna watch a movie with me in the living room?" Karl ask standing by the door.

"Mmm, yah sure why not." I respond

"POG!" Karl says while walking to the living room with me following. He goes to the kitchen.

Karls POV
I went to the kitchen to make popcorn cause yah movie=Popcorn.

When I was done making it I put it in a bowl and went to the living room were Dream was already sitting on the couch scrolling through random things on Netflix.

"Hey can we watch Criminal minds it's not a movie but it's a good show" Dream says "Yah sure." I say placing the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and sitting next to Dream on the couch.

Dream plays the Show and I get comfy in a blanket and Dream also has a blanket.

*Time Skip*

After a while my eye lids felt heavy like I was about to fall asleep, so I closed my eyes and right as I was about to fall asleep i hear Dream say "Goodnight Karl." "Night dream" I say as sleep overtakes me.

Bye I hope you enjoyed the chapter make sure to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and worth living bye!

-Pickle 💚💜


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