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TW: Swearimg, Crying, Rape Mention, Bullying Mention, Homophobia mentions, blade, self harm mention


• Who's your favorite villain in lore?

•Have you ever listened too Bo Burnham? If so what your favorite song from them?

• If you've listened to Wilbur's 'Your City Gave Me Asthma' album, what your favorite song in it?

Hiya, y'all are about too hate Dumbledore if you dint hate him before.

Karl's POV
"Uh well, their name is Sam, Sam (Make up last name!) he is in his sixth year, he's a Slytherin—" I said. "Ok, but what did he do too you." Headmaster cut me off. "He well, he did a lot of things too me from first year to this year he bullied me, both physically and mentally—" "Well tell me specifically what he did or I can't help you. Did he do something too you Mr. Was taken?" Dumbledore asked Dream. "No—" Dream started but got cut off by Dumbledore, what is it with this guy and cutting people off?

"Well if he did nothing too you, you shouldn't be here." Dumbledore said. "No offense headmaster, but I'm here as support." Dream says. "That's great but you can't be in here, so I'm telling you too leave now, or I will have to make you leave." "Fine." Dream said and got up from the chair and left. Dumbledore looked back at me "So tell me what specifically what did he do?"

"Physically, because him and his friends would... uh, hit me, punch me, they...used two of the unforgivable curses on me and beat me up, for being a Hufflepuff who's a muggle born and is bisexual...They bullied me mentally as well...by calling me slurs like uh, the slur for muggle borns and for people part of the LGBTQIA+ community..and would body shame me into starving myself which I guess is physical as well. And Sam he uh recently, recently he um," I felt myself tear up. "He r-raped me um a couple— a couple weeks before break, on the, quitich field ..and a uh second time... about, a— actually can we like um take- take a break real quick." I asked, I felt myself using everything in my power to not cry at that very moment, I really need Dream here. "Please." I added.

"For what?" Dumbledore said. What do you think? "Because I'm finding it difficult to discuss my trauma from this school, because every Professor in this school did nothing about it" How did nobody care? "Mr. Jacob because of the way you talked to your headmaster, you will not take a break, now continue your story." Dumbledore says. At this point no matter how hard I tried, I was still crying.

"Fine, like I was saying he, he raped me again around I'd say a week later... in the bathroom, after my defense against the dark arts class." I took a deep breath, why did this have to happen to me? Am I just weak? "And um,..earlier today he, he touched me after I got kicked out of my defense against the dark arts class because I... woke up late." I said, making up a excuse to why I was late. Dumbledore laughed what the fuck?

"That was a great story, you were even crying. Their are so many flaws in your story. First of all Mr. (Sam's last name) is a great student, and why wouldn't you say anything if you dint want it." Dumbledore says. "Well, I did say, things like 'No' and 'stop' and tried too push him off multiple times and I was crying the entire time and was screaming and yelling for someone to help me but he dint stop, so i think it was very clear that I din't want to have fucking sex with him." I said, crying. Why does he not believe me? "Then why wouldn't anyone hear you screaming if you said you were screaming." This guy really is trying to find every flaw in me. "Maybe, because some of these professors don't give a shit about these kind of topics." I say.

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