276 6 13

TW: Swearing, Rape mention, Crying, Sexual assault, Rape, Screaming, SH, suicidal thoughts, trauma

Hiya! I hope you enjoy the chapter!


1. Do you have any hobbies if so what are they!

2. Whose your favorite Dream smp member

Karls POV

"Professor, I'm not comfortable—" I started to say.

"I do not care if your comfortable or not. Mr Jacob follow Sam out of the classroom. The rest of you continue your work." Snape says.

I see Sam get up from his chair and walk over to me. I see Dream next to him, I look at him and we make eye contact. We both share a worried glance.

"Follow me" Sam said, as he walked to the door. I hesitated. Sam laughed softly "I don't bite."

I scoffed. "Yes, yes you do." I whispered, as I walked with him out of the class.

"So, you told Dream huh? What are you two dating now?" yes.

"...I don't know what your talking about." I whispered, I tried to walk quicker and get to the common room without Sam following me.

Sam grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against one of the walls. "Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"let me go" I said, my eyes started to tear up 'please not again, I can't, I can't live with myself if it happens again.'

"Oh it's ok baby, don't cry. I'll be gentle this time I swear." Sam whispered as he wiped a tear from my cheek.

"No, no, please I can't live with myself if it happens again. I'll do anything just don't please" I whispered as I began crying and hyperventilating.

"You know I can't let you go" He said as his hand started going up my robe and touching my bare stomach.

"no please you can let me go. Please I won't tell anyone. I swear! Please stop!" I said, as I pushed his arm away, and tried to push him away.

"I can't let you go, and we both know your gonna tell Dream" 

His hand touched my thigh and went up to my neck and he started kissing it.

"PLEASE NO! NO! STOP!" I screamed, I was crying and hyperventilating, his hand started going up waist still kissing my neck. "I CANT LIVE WITH MYSELF IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN! ILL DO ANYTHING JUST PLEASE STOP!"

"Shh, don't scream, it won't do anything. You've handled it 2 times already, so one more won't be that bad, plus I'll be gentler."

"Please, please. PLEASE STOP!" I knew their was no point in trying anymore, fuck I'm really this pathetic. His hand went down to my pants "please, I'm sorry, stop, please" I whispered I wasn't even sure what I was sorry for.

One hand was at my pants the other was on my neck.

I'm done with life theirs no point anymore I let it happen 3—

Suddenly I feel Sam get pushed off me— what the fuck is going on?

I look up and see Dream?

Dream, Dream— Dreams here!

I stood their processing everything.

I dint even notice Dream taking me to Slytherin common room then to his dorm. I'm pretty sure he was saying stuff but I couldn't even wrap my brain around about the fact it happened— or at least almost happened again.

"I'm so sorry Karl, for what happened. When Sam and you left I immediately tried to leave class but Snape was be a bitch saying I couldn't so I pretend I needed to go to Madame Pomfrey because I wasn't feeling well— and then I saw Sam and you— I'm so sorry!" Dream said and hugged me.

I hugged back slightly, I felt bad of all people why did he like me? I can't stand up for myself, I can't defend myself, I'm weak enough to get raped, for both my parents to not be here, my mental health is shit, and so much more. He deserves better.

"Why me?" I whispered.

"I don't know, but I'm sorry that it is you—" Dream began.

"—no why me why did you decide to like me of all people in this school of every nice, kind intelligent, smart, creative, brave, cocky, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, why me?" I asked quietly.

"Because Karl, your perfect-" "I'm not"

"Your the right amount of perfect, I don't want to be with someone who is perfect. You have your flaws and that's what I love about you. The messy and fluffy hair makes you look adorable. How your always shy and nervous to talk to new people is cute. Your kindness, and care for other people makes me fall in love with you all over again I swear!" Dream said.

"Dream, I'm scared I don't want to be here anymore I don't feel safe because of Sam" I said through sniffles I was still fucking crying.

"I'm sick of his bullshit were going to a professor about this" "What?" "Yeah, either Sprout, Snape or Headmaster I'm sick of all his bullshit." 

(Guys my other stories are finally published! Theirs a squid game AU, a Karlwastaken, and a Karl angst AU!)

"I- ok. I guess" "Sprout and Snape have classes right now do you wanna skip the next class since it'll be lunch?" Dream asks, I nod my head.

"Ok we can wait for a bit."

Bye Thank you so much for 4K reads and over 100 votes I really appreciate it! Also I spoiled you guys with 2chapters in one day I barely have the motivation for 1 a week! I hope you enjoyed the chapter make sure to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and worth living bye!




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