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TW: Swearing

Hiya! Here's the chapter hope you enjoy it!

Karls POV
I Woke up at around 10pm since it was Sunday and I just kinda chilled all day in my dorm reading some books.

*Time Skip to Friday Because I'm lazy*

Dreams POV
The next couple days went by ok, but now it was Friday and we were gonna leave to go home for break. I had told my parent that I was gonna stay at Punz's house for break, since they can't know I'm spending break at a muggle borns house, we're they don't use magic. Drista was quite upset that I couldn't spend break with her, she was still very young she was 8 I believe so I don't see her often unless I have breaks.

I was done packing and was waiting outside we're everyone else was waiting to be able to get on the train. I was looking around for Karl and found him with Tommy and Tubbo "Hey" I say "Oy! Fuck off!" I hear Tommy say I forgot I bullied him, but I stopped I never really apologized to him.


Guys I'm sorry during this I took a break and cut myself, I was 1 month clean but I felt like I needed to I'm sorry.


"Tom's it's ok Dream doesn't do that stuff anymore he left the group you can trust him" Tubbo said while he put a hand on Tommy shoulder. "Hm,....fine" Tommy said "Hey look I'm sorry for everything I did to you for the past couple of years, I realized how shitty it was to do stuff like that and I left the group I'm really sorry it was wrong." I said to Tommy

"Ok...I forgive you" he said "Thanks and I'll still do things to make it up to you" I said

Our conversation got interrupted by the loud train that stopped. "Come on Guys!" Karl said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside the train we sat down in a compartment with Tommy and Tubbo they seemed to be very close [PLATONICALLY]. We talked on the way there about random things I got to know them a bit more.

"Seriously you NEVER tried a Frappuccino before?!" Tommy yelled "Uh..yah seriously what is a 'Frappuccino' anyways is it like a muggle thing?" I asked I was so confused "You don't even know what it is!" Tommy says "It's like a drink but smoothie and it's sweet" Tubbo explains I hum in response, at the moment Karl was asleep "You should try one when we get there. Your spending break at Karl's place right?" Tommy says "Yah" I confirme.

There was silence for a sec until Tommy gasped and said "Wait so you've never tried Ice cream before?!" I think for a second "No,...what is that?" I ask "What!" Tommy exclaims "If you've never had ice cream you've never had a childhood! That's some Bullshit right there!" Tubbo yells "We need to make a whole list of things you need tried before!" Tommy yells "agreed" Tubbo says while getting a green note book and a pen out of his bag and flipping to a Blank page.

"Ok so Frappuccino, ice cream what else?" Tubbo says "Have you ever had...Donuts?"Tommy asks me "Once again No, I have no idea what your talking about" I say "Ok donuts what else?" Tubbo says "Is this really necessary?" I ask "YES!" They both yell at the same time.

*Time Skip*

For the rest of the train ride Tommy and Tubbo were making a list of things I've never tried before and said that I had to try all of it by the end of break. Eventually the train stopped and we got up "Karl,..Karl...Karl get up we're here" I say to Karl while lightly shaking him "Mmm, I don't wanna get up" he groans "Well you have to were here" I say he sighs "Fine" he says while getting up and grabbing his bags.

We get off the train and looked for what I assume Karls parents, The second Karl saw I believe his dad he ran up to him and hugged him.

I introduced myself and the three of us got in the car and drove to a simple but nice brown colored house we got our bags and went inside.

The inside was pretty again, it wasn't the biggest house but it was nice and cozy the inside was colored a light brown. Karl showed me where my room would be and his room which was right across from mine and let me unpack.

*Time Skip after they unpacked*

After I finished unpacking I changed into something more comfortable which was a bright lime green hoodie and black sweatpants since it was pretty cold outside.

When I went outside I knocked on Karls door and heard a 'Come in!'. I opened the door and sat on his bed he also changed into a blue hoodie and black sweatpants. "Hey" Karl said "Hi Karl" I said "Oh on the train Tommy n' Tubbo made a whole fucking list of things I never tried and said that I had to trie them" I said remembering that. "Oh well what are somethings you've never tried?" He asks "Um,...something called like a 'Frappuccino'.,... a 'Icecream'...something called 'Donut'." I say trying to remember somethings they asked if I had tried. "Wait you've never tried ICE CREAM?!" Karl yells "Or a FRAPPUCCINO nor a DONUT?!" He yells "No, is it that big of a deal?" I ask "Yes! You need to try them asap I'm gonna tell Tommy and Tubbo that we need to meet up later!" He says "Can we do that tomorrow?" I say "Fine" he says "ok I'm going to sleep, cause I'm tired and it's dark out so Goodnight" I say "Goodnight Dream!" He says I got my room and fall asleep quickly.

Hiya here's the chapter hope you enjoyed it! Remember to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and your worth living! Bye love you all!

-Pickle 💚💜


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