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TW: Swearing, Crying, Mention of Rape

Hiya! Here's the chapter hope you enjoy!

Dreams POV
I was woke up too Karl jumping on my bed "What are you doing?" I groan "Jumping on the bed,..duh!" He says not stopping  "Well stop, what are you 5?" I said annoyed because I was still tired since I din't sleep on the train and annoyed that Karl was jumping on my bed and woke me up.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry" he says a little upset and sits on the bed "It's fine just don't do it again it's annoying." I said sitting up "Ok well you're going to trying new things today so that's fun..right?" He says "Mmm, yah I guess so I'm tired though" I said I check the time and see it's 9:46am ,nope its to early way to early to be up for break .

"Come sleep" i said grabbing him by the waist to pull him closer so he can lay down, and which he immediately pushes me away and gets off of the bed and sits in the corner.

First it took me a second to realize shit I thought. I get off of the bed and slowly walk towards him, I kneel down to his level. "Hey look your ok, I'm not gonna do anything to you, your gonna be ok I promise you that your gonna be ok." I said in a soft tone trying not to scare Karl anymore that he already is.

I notice that he's crying. "Hey, is it ok if I hug you?" I ask he nods his head 'yes'. I slowly wrap my hand around his waist and pull him closer.

"Is this ok?" I ask "mhm" he mumbles "You promise?..that I'm gonna be ok?" he asks quietly "I promise that your gonna be ok and as long as I'm here Sam can't do anything." I said too him "Ok,..I trust you" he says. I glance back at the time 9:58am. "Do you wanna go back to sleep?" I ask he shakes his head 'No' "Ok wanna watch TV?" I ask "Yah sure" he responds "K here or living room?" I ask "Mmmm,....here." He says "ok" I say getting on the bed and he follows. We lay down and he cuddles up to me. I turn the TV on and we watch [insert random Show/movie].

*Time Skip like 2ish hours*

After a while Karl's phone buzzes, indicting that he's getting a phone call. So he answers it. Once he's done talking he puts his phone down "Come you're gonna try new thing, remember?" "Yah" I say while getting up "K well I'll be in my room getting ready so yah." Karl says "Yah, ok" I say.

I put on blue jeans a black shirt and a red hoodie over the shirt. I went to the living room and sat down while going on my phone for a bit until Karl came to the living room.

Karl came to the living room and we went outside to the car got in and he drove us somewhere.

He pulls up to this place, we get out and there's tables, chairs, people, lots of people and there's a outside place and inside.

We sat at a table outside that had 6 chairs, 'hmm I'm pretty sure Tubbo and Tommy are coming...who else is coming then?' I thought maybe their friends or somethin'.

After a couple of minutes I see Tommy n' Tubbo approaching us as well as two other people they both looked taller than me, I'd say 6'6 and the other being a bit taller so around 6'7 the one that was slightly shorter was wearing a yellow sweater, black pants and was wearing a red beanie. [ I'm not gonna go in detail to describe Ranboo, yes it's Ranboo if you can't tell.].

They sat down with us and Tubbo introduced me to them.

"Hi Karl, hi Dream, This is Wilbur he also goes to hogwarts he's a Ravenclaw [ Sorry I felt like Wilbur would be a Ravenclaw] he's a year older than you, he's on his last year." Tubbo says gesturing to the shor- Wilbur "And that's Ranboo, he also goes to hogwarts he's a Gryffindor he's in mine and Tommy's year." Tubbo says while gesturing to the taller. I hum in response.

"Wait why are we here?" Ranboo asks "Like I seriously don't know Tubbo just asked if I wanted to come with him, Tommy and Wilbur and I was like 'sure' and now I'm here sitting with them, Karl and a person who I've never met." Ranboo continued.

"Oh well, That's Dream, he's in Karls year he goes to Hogwarts to and he's a Slytherin, he was a bitch to Tubbo, Karl and I but then like stopped and apologized and were friends now it's complicated." Tommy says "Ok,..But why are we here?" Ranboo asks again "Oh well Dreams a pure blood." Tommy says "Tommy, I will ask one more Freaking time, why are we here?" Ranboo says "Oh right so Dreams a pure blood, so he's gonna try things that he's never tried since he doesn't know really anything about muggle stuff." Tommy explains "Mmm ok." Ranboo says

"So Tubbo did you bring the list?" Tommy asks "Yah I did." Tubbo says while taking out the notebook from his bag. [Pretend that Tubbo has a Tote bag It can be any color you want it to in my head it's a dark green.]

"K so first a Frappuccino." Tubbo says "Wait you've never had a Frappuccino?!" Wilbur says "No" I say "Ok, we'll you need to try it." Wilbur says "Well that's why we're here Wilby." Tommy says "Did you just call me Wilby?" Wilbur says "What, NO I said Wilbur!" Tommy says, we all start laughing at Tommy's response.

"Ok, we'll let's get a Frappuccino, after that then what Tubbo?" Karl asks "Um.., Ice cream." Tubbo says "ICE CREAM?!" Karl yells "You've never tried ICE CREAM?"Karl says "Once again, No" I say "Oh my gosh, you know we should get Ice cream first then, a Frappuccino. yeah?" Karl says "Yah sure." Tubbo says the others nod we all get up and Karl n' I go in one car and the others in the other car.

"Trust me, Ice cream is great." Karl says as we get in the car "Ok, if you say so." I say closing the car door.

Hiya sorry this took forever, I watched squid games I know I'm a little late on that but I enjoyed watching it. Bye, remember to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and are worth living, Bye!


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