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Mason slowly drives into a deserted spot after being in the car for 20 minutes. What are we doing here? It is empty and all I see is forest.

"Don't be afraid, you'll love it here." Says Mason, he probably saw from my facial expression that I was scared. I nod and close his window.


"Close your eyes." orders Mason.

"What?" I ask surprised.

"Your eyes, close them." he says again. I look at him strangely. "Trust me." He says, looking me in the eye again. I nod and close them. Now I don't see his beautiful eyes. I hear him slam the door. Moments later I hear him open the door from my side.

"Keep them closed." he says, helping me get out.

"Yes." I say and slowly I step out and I think I hold his arm. Then I hear him slam the door. He lets go of me for a moment and I no longer feel his warmth.

"Wait." I hear him say. I mumble something and stop. I hear his footsteps walking away for a moment I hear nothing more. I just tend to open my eyes. Then I hear something close again.

"Have you closed yet?" asks Mason. I sigh.

"Mason, yes you have to trust me too." I say. Then I feel his body heat against me again. He has put his arm around me and gently leads me forward.

When we finally stop walking I don't feel Mason anymore.

"Okay, how long do I have to keep my eyes closed, because it's starting to get annoying." I say. Actually, I just want to see Mason.

"Wait pretty, count to 30 and I'll be with you again." He says, while I hear him doing all kinds of things. I sigh and start counting. Before I get to 30, Mason is already behind me.

"Okay, I'll count to 3 and then you can open." he says, putting his hands on my eyes. I nod and hold his hands. "1, 2, 3." I open my eyes and Mason takes his hands away and quickly grabs my hand. I look at the view. A beautiful lake with ducks swimming around and on the ground is a blanket with a picnic basket on top and 2 pillows.

"Wow." Is all I can say and look happy at Mason. A smile leaves his mouth. It's a nice laugh. His smile is perfect anyway, but so is his smile.

"You like it?" He asks. I nod happily and give him a hug. I sniff his scent. He is great. He takes my hand and leads me to the blanket we sit on. I want to ask something, but I don't dare say it right away and I'm completely embarrassed.

"Is uh is this a date?" I ask, fiddling with my skirt. He grabs my chin and pushes it up.

"I thought you might have figured it out already." he says with a smile. I start to blush. shit. But just wait a moment. I'm on a date with the cutest guy! I have to stop myself from doing a happy dance. "Come." he says, hitting the spot next to him. I sit next to him and he puts his arm around me and gently pushes me against him.

"You are really romantic." I say with a smile.

"Do you think?" He asks. I nod. He opens the picnic basket and takes out a box of Dunkin Donuts. "I think you'll like this." he says and lays the angry on my lap.

"And how do you know that." I say and open the angry. I take out a donut and return the box. He also takes out a donut. I lean my back against Mason and enjoy the view and of course the donut.

"You're really pretty." Mason says out of the blue after my donut runs out. I sit up and look at him in surprise.

"What did you just say?" I ask smiling.

"You are beautiful." He repeats. I look away and feel my cheeks glow. What should I respond to this? I also want to say something nice, but what!

"You too." I say shyly.


706 words

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