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"I just don't want that you've been with her for so long." Mila complains.

"You're not my girlfriend and I don't like you what are you doing?" I ask.

"What?" she exclaims. "But getting into bed with me is okay?" she calls. I nod and stand up.

"Don't raise your voice to me like that." I say with my jaws clenched.

"I'll do what I want and I'm going to tell you Olivia what you're up to." she says and prepares to leave.

"Mila, by the way, I had a nice video of us together." I notice and let myself fall back on the couch. She turns around in surprise and puts her purse back on the table.

"Movie?" she asks.

"Oh nothing special, just a video of you drunk and naked." I say. The video is a lie. I didn't film anything, but she doesn't know that. And why should I film? I'm not fucking pathetic.

Her face clouds a little.

"I won't do anything with it if you don't either." I say.

"Okay I'm not doing anything, but neither are you." She says.

"Deal." I say and she leaves Aiden's house. I just hope she doesn't tell Olivia or my plan has failed.


"Gap wake up." Says a voice far away. I slowly open my eyes and yawn. Wyatt is standing in front of me. I sit up. I fell asleep. shit. Then you just know that you won't be able to sleep anymore.

"What time is it?" I ask the boys.

"11 hours." Aiden says, sucking on a stick. The boys stay the night is often the case. They're just like brothers.

"Hmm." I mumble and grab my phone.

1 missed call from Pretty 8:24 PM

Olivia called.

"I'm going to take some fresh air." I share with the boys.

"Now?" asks Wyatt.

"No tomorrow." I say sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "I am gone." I say and put on my coat. It's a bit chilly outside now, but it's summer then it's nice to be out late.

When I stand in front of her house. I pull out my phone and click on her name. I hope she picks up as we have school tomorrow.

"Mason?" Her soft voice rings in my ear and I see her room lit up.


393 words

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