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"Where is Olivia going so fast?" A grin appears on Logan's face.

"Mason." I say.

"Oh yes your boyfriend." Mixes Avery with it. I roll my eyes and walk away.

"If you're looking for me, I'll be in the cafeteria." I say. We plan to have a drink at Starbucks with our group of friends. Jack I still owe me an iced coffee when I get married, so that's a good thing.

When I walk into the cafeteria, a couple of children are sitting at a table. My eyes immediately fall on Mason sitting at the middle table with Wyatt. 'The popular table'. But lately they are sitting outside so the table is usually empty.

"Hey." I say as I put my hands on Mason's shoulders. He doesn't even turn around and grabs my hands and pulls me forward so that I lean over his shoulder. I feel and kiss my cheek. Smiling, I plop myself down next to Mason.

"Cute." Charlotte also sits down at the table.

"Hey Bonita." I say. She smiles and immediately starts talking.

"We're going to Spain." she says happily.

"Yes and then Mason is your interpreter." says Wyatt. Surprised, I look from Wyatt to Mason.

"Oh yeah?" I ask surprised.

"Mason is the best in Spanish." Wyatt says exaggeratedly.

"Mmm let's hear it then." Charlotte says with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you want me to say?" Mason looks at me. Oh he asks me. What should I say? It must be difficult.

"We are going on a trip to Spain with school." I'll just say. Mason laughs.

"Okay." He says. "Vamos de viaje a espana con la escuela." He says with a Spanish accent and it is very attractive. Charlotte looks wide-eyed.

"Why didn't you tell me this!" I pat his head and look at him open-mouthed. He smiles.

"It's not that important." He says.

"Well, I really like it otherwise." I say. He puts his arm around me and pulls me against him.

"Will you come with me to Starbucks with some friends of mine?" I ask Mason. "Wyatt can come too." I'll add it.

"Your friends?" Mason and Wyatt say at the same time which surprised me and apparently Charlotte too.

"Yes our friends." Charlotte confirms.

"I don't know aren't they weird?" Says Mason.

"Hey! You're talking about my friends, am I not that I think Wyatt is weird?" I say almost offended.

"Not meant personally." I say right away.

"Okay okay. We're going with you, but-" I cut him off.

"What?" I sigh.

"After Starbucks, we're going to have a movie night, it's Friday." He says with a wink. I smile.

"It's not that bad." I say. Suddenly something shoots in.

"Omg Mason!" I call. He looks at me startled. "We still have to do that report! Og I don't want one-" Mason interrupts me by grabbing my upper arms.

"I made it when I got home and I turned it in." I say. Oh.

"Thank you." I say. He smiles and then the bell is heard.

"Okay fine Mateo and Jack are now ready too." Charlotte says and stands up. We follow her lead. Mason grabs his crutches and I help him. Then we visit our other friends.


I look at Mason who is bored looking at Jack. His story is apparently not interesting to him. I give Mason a little push. With my gaze I tell him to join in. He rolls his eyes and then looks closely at Jack.

I look at Charlotte and Wyatt secretly busy with each other. Something begins to bloom between the 2. I quickly look at Mateo who stirs his straws through his drink. He probably doesn't care that Charlotte is with Wyatt. I've found Mateo weird since the beginning and my opinion still hasn't changed.

I am taken out of my mind by Mason who has placed his warm hand on my bare thigh. I feel tingles coursing through my body as he starts spinning on it.

When he slides up a bit, I'm startled and grab his hand. A wicked grin is on his face. I roll my eyes and send him a deadly look. He has an air kiss and softens my gaze. He can also make everything right. He comes with his face to mine.

"I want to go home." He says softly in my ear. Goosebumps form on my arms

"So." I say back softly and take a sip of my iced coffee and he intertwines our hands.


760 words

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