Chapter 4

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After they left, Annabelle decided to go to the library to pass the time. She and Loki spend countless hours there reading, talking, and just enjoying each other's company. 

Once she opened the large doors, she was met with a huge room filled wall to wall with books. It was her and Loki's paradise. There were many chairs and couches alongside tables scattered throughout the hall of literature. It was cozy and comfortable. And it was always accompanied by the wonderful smell of books. 

She soon found one of her favorites and took a seat in a big armchair by the fireplace. Annabelle was completely lost in her book when the library doors suddenly opened to reveal Frigga.

"There you are, my dear!" Frigga said happily. She walked toward Annabelle and sat down beside her. "Have you seen either of my sons?"

"Not since the coronation," Annabelle lied. "Why? Is something on your mind?"

"Yes, actually, there's something I've been meaning to tell you, and I would prefer them not to be here when I do," she said.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, just information to share. Would you mind if we went to my chamber?"

"Of course not, here," and with a wave of Annabelle's hand, she transported them to Frigga's sitting room.

"I see you've been practicing," Frigga said with a proud look on her face.

"I have. Now, what's so important?"

"There's something that I've wanted to tell you for quite some time. And in light of today's events, I'm finally going to," she began, and Annabelle nodded. "There's no easy way to say this... Loki... Loki was adopted."

"What?" Annabelle was very confused. "What do you mean, he was adopted?"

"In the aftermath of the battle on Jotunheim, all those years ago, the Allfather found a baby. It was small for a Frost Giant and all alone - abandoned. He brought it home, and we raised him as our own."

"Loki... he's a Frost Giant," Annabelle replied in disbelief.

"Yes," Frigga said with a sad smile.

"Does he know?"

"No, we kept the truth from him so he wouldn't feel different."

"He needs to know," Annabelle said. So many thoughts flew around in her head as she sat there. She was worried about what would happen. But most of all, she was worried about how Loki would react. "I'll tell him when I find him."

"That's probably best."

"If he's told by anyone other than me, who knows how he'll react." Annabelle stood from the couch they'd been sitting on and walked to the door. "Thank you for telling me."

As she neared the door to her and Loki's chambers, she heard crying.

'Who could that be?' she thought. The closer she got, the more she realized it was coming from her chamber. She quietly opened the door and saw Loki sitting on their bed.

"My love, what's wrong?" she asked as she entered the room.

"It's nothing."

"Loki, you know you can't lie to me," she said as she knelt in front of him and took his hands in hers. He may be the God of Mischief, but he could never get anything past her. "What's wrong? Did something happen on Jotunheim?"

"Yes, which led me to find answers," she looked at his sad expression. It hurt her to see him so upset. Loki rarely got so upset that he was to the point of tears, so she knew something was wrong - very wrong. Annabelle looked into his eyes and saw pain. Which, in turn, hurt her more. "I'm a monster." 

Hearing him say this put her on the brink of tears. "No, you're not. Never think that. You are the love of my life, Loki... You're my Loki. You could never be a monster."

"Darling, please don't cry," he said and wiped the tear from her cheek.

"See? You're not a monster."

"But I am," Loki replied, "Father took me from Jotunheim when I was a baby."

"I know, but that still doesn't make you a monster."

"You... you knew?" he asked, pain lacing every word.

"Your mother told me while you were gone. She just told me before I came here. I promise. If I had known before, I swear, I would have told you."

"Oh," he said, calming down, knowing she would never lie to him. "What did she tell you?"

"She said that Odin found a baby in the aftermath of the battle and that he brought it home to raise as his own," Annabelle answered. "Darling, how did you find out? Did the Allfather tell you?"

"In a way," Loki began. "On Jotunheim, Volstagg was injured. Their touch is so cold, it burns. He nearly lost a limb. Soon after, one took hold of my arm. My armor was destroyed because of it. But when his skin touched mine, my arm turned blue, and I was unharmed. Once we got back, I went to the weapons vault and found the Casket of Ancient Winters. I needed answers. The Allfather stopped me and told me my story. And now, he's fallen into the Odinsleep."

"He has?" she said, worried. "Is he alright?"

"Yes, but we don't know when he'll wake."

"Where's Thor?"

"Banished. To Midgard."

"What?!" Annabelle wasn't expecting that.

"The Allfather banished him for his stupidity of putting innocent lives at stake."

"That means... the line of succession falls to you in Odin's absence," Annabelle stated.

"It does," Loki said, a smile spread across his face as he stood from their bed. "It seems our plan worked out better than we had hoped."

"Apparently..." she stood and took his hands in her own with a smile.

"Well, my love, will you be my queen?"


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