5. Passions and Regret

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Your voice reminded Marinette of an angel.

During your sixth year of school, you had auditioned for the school musical and scored the leading role. Marinette wanted to be apart of it too, but hated being on stage. She ended up signing up for costume design after you encouraged her to do the musical with you.

Your relationship with Marinette grew more and more strenuous each day. Every time Marinette would struggle with the designs or stitching of one of the costumes, you would be there immediately to help her out. You had much steadier hands than she did, and she despised that about you.

Marinette wanted more than anything to be a fashion designer, you hardly care about designing. Even so, you were naturally gifted with creative arts.

Hell, she thought you could do anything.

Watching from backstage as you stood center stage, singing a heartbreaking solo, she burned with envy.

After the show the whole cast and crew circled the stage and bowed for the audience, receiving an overwhelming amount of praise and applause for the show.

Even though you all collectively worked together to put on the production, Marinette couldn't help but notice how she blended in with her all black outfit, and you stood out amongst everyone with your shimmering white dress.

Your parents came and congratulated the two of you as soon as they could.

"There's my super stars!" Your father grinned as he kissed both of your heads.

"Mom! Dad! That was so fun! The feeling of being on stage was so thrilling! Did you see that glittery dress Marinette made? She did it by herself, can you even believe! She's so great at it." You squealed excitedly and the praise you gave Marinette made her blood boil.

"You hear that Marinette? Your sister complimented you." Your mother had placed a hand on her shoulder and she stiffened.

"Yeah. Thanks." Marinette sneered.

Even though she was feeling as nasty as she sounded, she hadn't meant for it to come out like that. Your eyes had widened at her tone and she saw the way you trembled. Dammit. You were making her feel worse.

And the feeling only grew from your frown that remained the rest of the night.

Marinette felt terribly guilty, but she never once apologized.

Your parents signed you up for piano lessons the following week after your school's band teacher had told you that you have the hands of a pianist. You were a natural talent of course and she was so incredibly jealous.

Your parents offered to sign her up along with you, but she couldn't bare it. How could she do something that you would always be twelve times better at?

From that day on, Marinette always sneered when she talked to you.

You laid there sprawled out across your bed with a giddy smile on your face.

Luka had such a gentle approach when talking to you, which was incredibly new to you considering your loud behaviors were always answered with anger and aggression.

You let out a content sigh as you checked the time off your phone. It was getting late, time slipped away—you hadn't even realized you had been reliving the night for so long.

The two of you walked back up onto the deck of the boat. Rose ran over worriedly hoping that she hadn't said anything to offend either of you. The two of you gave Rose separate hugs and assured her that your outbursts had nothing to do with her.

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