17. Change and Perspectives

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You watched as the magical ladybugs surrounded you and the city, restoring everything to it's former glory.

"Y/n!" He called your name as you realized you were still leaning against the ledge Ladybug had sat you down at. Your eyes raised and you smiled softly, seeing Adrien run to you, dressed as his alter ego.

"Chat Noir." You hummed as a cheeky smile laced your lips. "How sweet of you to check on me, you total stranger." He was towering over you now and rolled his eyes at your ridiculousness.

He stuck his hand out towards you. "Come on." He was gentle and you nodded as your hand clutched his. He helped you up and immediately pulled you against his chest. Before, you would've been surprised, but this was normal now. You couldn't deny that the connection between the two of you grew rapidly after his identity was revealed.

"Chat." You spoke without making any other movements.

"Yeah?" His breathy voice spoke in your ear, making you shiver.

"Do you know who Ladybug is?" Your question made him stiffen.

"No—why do you ask?" He had stepped back a bit from you, but still held on to you. You stared up into his eyes, finding yourself getting momentarily lost in them.

You shrugged as you glanced back out across the harbor. "The way she acted with me today—I remember. I don't know why but I always remember what happens to me under the influence of Shadowmoth. She just reminds me of someone but I can't just put all the pieces together." You grumbled, the image of who you thought she was was almost completely clear.

Chat Noir sighed and shook his head. "We have magic suits that block off anyone figuring out who we are under the masks. Let's be honest, they're not very concealing as is." He snorted.

You nodded along, also chuckling. "Ladybug has really similar features with someone I know...I'll just keep thinking about it."

He shook his head. "It would probably be better if you stopped trying."

You raised an eyebrow. "Why?" You asked and he sighed as he leaned his forehead against yours with sleepy looking eyes.

"Because you would be an even bigger target to Shadowmoth, and if that happened I would never be able to forgive myself." His voice was laced with worry and his grip on your waist tightened.

You gulped. "Okay. I won't try." You would try to stop, but you had a feeling that you would have a difficult time not thinking about it.


Adrien leaped through the city and held you tightly against him. You smiled in awe as you watched the city move in a flash around you.

"I thought the city was simply beautiful at night, but watching it while flying through the air is astonishing." You gasped as you held to him tighter.

Adrien smiled and nodded his head softly. "It's one of my favorite parts about being Chat Noir."

As he approached your home and noticed your window was closed. He jumped up to the roof and let you stand once more.

"Oh...um-" you stammered when you realized you would have to climb back in through Marinette's room.

"What's wrong?" He tilted his head and you rubbed your neck nervously.

"Marinette probably wouldn't like be going through her room." You sighed and he nodded understandingly.

"I'll take you down then." He simply smiled and held his arm out towards you.

Once you were wrapped in his arms once more, he jumped off the roof and landed swiftly to the ground. Once you were back on your feet you hugged him gently. "Thank you." You whispered as he eagerly wrapped his arms around you.

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