20. The Rain and The Stars

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"Mommy look!" You yelled as you ran down stairs with your sister's hand clutched tightly in your own. The two of you had recently turned six, and were enjoying sorting through your presents.

"What is it dear?" Your mother asked without looking up from the pastry she was molding.

"Look! We're matching." Marinette beamed as the two of you jumped up and down, trying to get her attention.

"That's nice sweetheart." She still had yet to look up from her work.

You frowned and slumped over, but felt Marinette's hand clutch your shoulder softly. You glanced over at her and she had a reassuring smile tugging across her lips. "Don't frown, you're the prettiest princess in all of Paris." She beamed and your eyes widened.

You giggled softly as the two of you spun around in your new matching princess dresses, never happier.


"What's that?" You asked as Marinette returned to your room with a small pink box with a tight lock on the front.

"I'm going to show you something secret." She grinned from ear to ear, but then frowned once more. "It's stuff I wrote after some of my...worse moments. I just feel like you should see it."

Marinette sat on your floor beside you, mimicking your cross legged position. She tugged a key out of her purse you couldn't believe she was wearing at the moment and unlocked the box.

"Are those...diaries?" You asked with a tilt of your head, surprised she kept one.

She nodded and you lifted an inquiring eyebrow. "Why do you have two?" You asked and the entirety of her body stiffened with your question.

"Read this one first." She gulped as she handed you the one on top. Your confused expression only grew when an additional lock revealed itself on the journal that remained in the box.

You took the diary from her outstretched hand and flipped to the first page.

Dear idiotic Marinette,

I am officially the worst human being on this planet.

I believe I have been steadily reaching this point, but today truly solidifies it.

Y/n and I have been apart of the school musical which was incredibly exciting. The two of us had always wanted to do it and we both auditioned for the leading role.

I should've known that would've ended badly.

Y/n has always been outstandingly talented with music. I have always adored it, but I've never been good at it myself.

Let's just say I sing completely off key compared to her.

I was put on costumes, which is a small hobby I've picked up recently. I was really excited to finally do something that was simply for me. Something I didn't have to share with Y/n.

I know that sounds selfish, but growing up as a twin meant we always did the same everything.

It was finally something I was naturally gifted at. Y/n is constantly finding something she is talented at. She can sing, she plays the piano, she is incredibly smart, and reads books faster than I can even believe.

It was finally my turn, to find my spark.

When she came barreling in offering to help, I couldn't help but wonder if she was jealous I found something for myself. Her hand was so steady with the stupid needle I had dropped. My hand had never held so sturdy.

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