22. Music and Reminiscent

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Part 2
He couldn't believe his eyes.

Weeks ago, he had received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" He asked hesitantly, his voice had been gruff as he sipped his third morning coffee.

"Is this Luka?" The unknown caller asked and he couldn't help but noticing how the voice sounded familiar, just older.

"That depends on who's asking." He huffed.

"Oh! Sorry, silly me! This must be weird. It's Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She giggled and his eyes widened.

"Marinette?" His response was breathy.

"Yeah! It's been a while hasn't it." Her laughter died down and Luka found himself nodding as he looked around his apartment. His cat padded towards him and he smiled, picking her up and allowing her to curl in his lap.

"Yeah, it has." He answered with a hum.

"Well—I'll get to it then! Y/n has been on tour with her band, but she has her last show coming up in about a month. It's in one of those venues downtown your dad used to play at." Luka's eyes widened.

He knew you had joined a band a couple years back, but he had no idea that you all were going to be back in Paris so soon.

"That's...awesome." He whispered, unsure what his next response should be.

"Okay Luka I'll be real with you here." She started and he stiffened with how firm her voice was. "I know about the promise you made to her all those years ago, if you want to uphold it and prove to her you are the man you swore you would be, then I can get you tickets. If not though, stay the hell away from her."

Luka's breath hitched in his throat. "Can...I get back to you?" His whisper was shaky and she hummed.

"Of course, but I'm just letting you know I already don't like the indecision, but I'll let it slide for now."

As he opened his mouth to respond she ended the call.

Luka had stood in the crowd anxiously. Marinette had managed to get him floor seats and a backstage pass, it was more than he could've asked for.

He was a bit ashamed to admit it, but he had been hoping for a moment like this since he let you walk away from him nine years ago.

Nine whole years without you.

Now, as if all of that had never occurred, you stood there on the stage. He wouldn't have been able to recognize you if it weren't for the billboards around the world. You had only gotten taller. Your hair was much shorter now than it was back then, but you still had a fun touch of color dyed into it. He noticed how much muscle you had put on since your teenage years and he smiled at the strong woman he saw before him.

There was one thing that hadn't changed, your voice was as beautiful and intoxicating as it ever had been.

That was the first way he had found out you were in a band.

It was three years earlier, and the dj announced that there was a new hit single about to air.

He had recognized your voice instantly, and he couldn't have been more proud of you.

Now, standing there so close to you, all the waiting felt so worth it.

"Hey Y/n." A smile tugged at his lips once he saw your surprised expression.

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