19. Beginnings and How to Break a Heart

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"Find her, for me."

The words rang through Marinette's head as she rushed the streets of Paris. She had been searching for hours and this was her fourth time switching back from Ladybug, to Marinette.

It seemed like the two of you were continuously moving in opposite directions, as always.

Marinette sighed as she wiped the tear that began to fall from her eye. She was approaching the bakery again—she had still yet to find you.

She couldn't figure out why Luka was convinced that talking to you would be a good idea. She understood how important family was, but she had never allowed you to comfort her when you so desperately wanted too. Why would you now that the tables have turned?

She walked inside, luckily dodging your parents, and made her way upstairs. She was about to go up to her room when she stopped at the railing, peering at your closed door.

With a gulp, she walked over and opened it slightly.

It was a mess—like always.

You had been like that for as long as she could remember, and it made her smile to see that you hadn't changed.

Marinette stepped in and closed the door behind her. She took a seat on your bed, the clearest space in the room, and waited. She was careful not to touch anything as she waited.

And waited.


You had been running for what felt like hours.

Your mind refused to stop racing—which left you kicking a couple of trees out of frustration. Your tears had yet to stop spilling from your eyes, and the despair in your chest only continued to grow.

You made it onto the bridge that Andre typically sets up his ice cream stand. There was a bench near the gated off edge and you sighed as you leaned on it, your arms crossed over the top.

You laid your face in between your crossed arms as you continued crying.

The cries had been quiet for hours, but now that you were alone on the pier your sobs were the only sound in the space surrounding you.

"Luka." You whispered with a broken voice.

"Luka...Luka...Luka." You hated how his name came out in an almost shriek as your whole body broke for the loss of him. The loss of what you believed the two of you were growing. The loss of what you could have had.

It was all gone now.

You sounded so desperate and pitiful—you hated that too.

You thought back to all the days you had spent falling in love with him these past few months. The two of you spent so much time together as you wrote your song.

Your song...

It was in the final stages of work as of earlier that day. You needed the last few lyrics and it would be finished. To think that all the work you put in would go to waste...only furthered your broken heart.

"He told me...it would get better." You spoke to yourself. "I would have never guessed he would be the one to break everything all over again."

There was a quiet padding of feet approaching, and you simply titled your head.

"Adrien?" You were shaking.

"Ladybug called." His whisper mimicked your own. He took a seat on the bench next to you and pulled you against his chest.

"How does she know?" You groaned as you cried into his chest as your hand clutched his torso tightly.

"She ran into—Luka." He sighed as he stroked your hair softly.

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