23. Unexpected and Awakening

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"Yes." You responded in a calm and collected tone.

"What's his name?" He asked with a gentle smile.


"What made you choose that name?" He questioned and you could tell he wasn't being judgmental, just genuinely curious.

"My favorite state." You whispered.

"Is he the fourth person's kid?" He asked though he already knew the answer.

"Yes." You answered again though you felt incredibly nervous to finally tell him.

"Can I see a picture?" He was still smiling, but the longer you looked into his eyes, they betrayed him. A deep sadness was swirling in his blue hues.

You nodded and turned on your phone and flipped it towards him so he could see your lock screen, an image of your smiling little boy.

"You and Adrien have a really beautiful son."

Your breath hitched in your throat. "Thank you."

"He looks just like him. And when you began to say the final person you started with 'A.' I'm not stalking you, I promise." He chuckled with his hand out in front of him.

You rolled your eyes. "I knew that."

"So it's serious then?" He asked with a small frown.

You took in a sharp breath as you stared into your dark coffee. Meeting his eyes felt harder now that he knew the truth, well at least part of it. "We're um...separated right now."

The flight was completely packed.

It was on its way to Hawaii, a flight that was always packed. You hurried down the first rows of people, offering them their complimentary first class drinks and sandwiches.

"Y/n?" The all too familiar voice asked.

Your head shot down and you saw Adrien sitting there waving with a shy smile on his face.

"Adrien?" You gasped slightly at the sight of your old friend.

"How have you been? It's been a while." He spoke a bit quickly, knowing he was holding you up from doing your job.

"I've been really great! Doing everything I could have ever imagined." You beamed as you motioned towards the rest of the plane, indicating that you were finally working your dream job.

"I'm really happy for you! I know you're busy but if you get any time between flights, come see me on the island." He smiled.

"Where will you be?" You asked and he shrugged.

"You'll know where to find me."


"Does Marinette know you're here?" You asked as the two of you strolled along the soft sand of the beach. It was really late in the night and you were both completely exhausted. Even so, neither of you could resist the temptation to talk to each other.

"She does, she is lending the miraculous to someone while I'm gone." He sighed and you hummed, knowing who he was talking about.

"Well at least that's covered. I'm bummed though, I'd love to say hello to my little buddy." You frowned and he laughed as he nodded.

"Plagg would've loved to see you."

"I mean—I was always his favorite." You sighed and smiled teasingly.

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