36. Trials and Worry

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You could have sworn the night before was a dream.

You would have loved to live in that fantasy—but it was five a.m and your alarm was blaring.

Luka shot up.

A weight had been lifted from your stomach and that's when you realized he had fallen asleep, holding you tight.

You pulled your blanket tightly around you, having no desire to move so early in the morning.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." He spoke with a hint of sadness.

You sighed, running your fingers through your natty hair. "I don't think Dakota would understand if he found you in my bed." You rolled your eyes.

He chuckled, "No, I know." He whispered. He stood and pulled his shirt over his head, but before he left he grabbed your hand and stared into your eyes. "I want to do this right Y/n."

You blinked. "What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "I want to take you out on a date, do things properly."

You thought for a moment, before looking up at him with a cheeky smile. "You're talking about doing things properly after waking up in my bed after kissing me for the first time in nine years?" You asked, leaning on your palm.

He blushed and dropped your hand, but immediately picked it up again. "Yes." He stammered out.

You considered this. "Luka-"

"I know where you are going with this." He started, startling you. "I know the timing is horrible, you and Adrien are still so newly separated and you have your child that will always come first. Let me redeem myself—let me do this right. We will go slow, I won't wake up in your bed again anytime soon." He smiled and this time you were the one blushing.

You took your hand from his and crossed your arms. "Okay. One date." You smiled. "We'll see how it goes and maybe I'll consider letting you take me on another one."

"So cruel." He chuckled before kissing you on your forehead softly. "Get some sleep."

You waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. You too." You smiled softly, before waving goodbye to him properly.

"We're nearing the two month marker after the trial of Adrien Agreste. During the trial, the courthouse was attacked by a sentimonster who kidnapped Felix Graham De Vanily. Ladybug and Chat Noir were unable to find him that day and our sources say he is still missing. Typically he would have been presumed dead already, but his mother has yet to stop sending people out looking for him. Tune in again in thirty minutes for more updates on the story, now for todays weather-"

You turned off the television as soon as they stopped talking about Felix.

The good person in your was worried about the man. He had been such a nuisance, that the other piece of you was relieved he was gone. You tried to stick with your good-person-thoughts.

It was really damn hard not to be relieved though.

"You ready Dakota?" You called.


You were taking him to Adrien's new apartment today. He hadn't been over all that much, Adrien mostly stopped by to take him on little adventures.

It was important that your boy experienced both places, which is why you were putting your worries aside and taking him over.

You knew Adrien would protect him, but letting go was hard.

After another five minutes, you went to his room.

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