8. Rivalry and Love

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Luka walked you home that night.

You sat there on the barge, crying with your friends surrounding you. They all had you enveloped in a tight group hug, hoping to ease the pain and guilt that was threatening to submerge you once more.

Zoe sat in the center with you and held you as you cried and begged for forgiveness, which she gave you.

Marinette stood near a tree on the barge as she watched the interaction between you and some of her closest friends. It was painful to know that she had caused the rift between herself and everyone, but she deserved to feel this way. She had accepted that.

Marinette hesitantly walked onto the houseboat and everyone's eyes shot towards her as her feet hit the floorboards.

They all had scarily cold stares and she felt shivers crawl down her spine. "Y/n-uh...are you ready to um go home?" She asked, stumbling due to the intense stares.

"You need to leave Marinette." Luka was the only one who broke the silent glare.

His tone surprised her, "Well I know but I-"

"We'll get her home. You can go." Mylene was next.

"Yeah, bye." Even Juleka.

Marinette trembled as her eyes filled with tears. She took in a sharp breath, stopping herself from crying. She didn't deserve sympathy.

"Okay." She whispered.

Marinette had wanted to walk you home to ensure you got back safely and un-akumatized.

She left and found an alleyway, silently transforming into Ladybug. She swung her yo-yo and leaped onto a building. Marinette silently watched Luka walk you home. Ignoring the pit in her stomach, she left—knowing you were safe with him.

"Thank you," you spoke softly, holding your head down as the two of you stood in front of your family bakery. "I'm so sorry again—for everything."

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, so you turned to the door to go in for the night.

Luka still stood behind you, at war with himself as he stepped forward, pulled you gently towards him by your wrist, and engulfed you in a hug.

It reminded him of the day Marinette was so tortured with the secrets she kept from everyone, that she broke down in his arms.

It felt like an odd sense of deja vu, how could he not compare?

"It's alright Y/n, no one blames you." He spoke with the upmost sincerity.

You gasped softly, the tears finally going freely as your loose grip on the back of his shirt tightened. "Thank you, Luka." You sobbed.

Luka let out a hum and placed a hand lightly on the back of your head, "I'm so sorry Y/n—I don't think anyone realized how much you have been hurting."

You laughed slightly and just shook your head. "There's no need for you to apologize Luka, you barely even know me."

Luka surprised himself with his response, "Yeah, but I'd like too." His eyes met yours and he had the faintest smile on his serious face.

You bit your lip and took a step back from him, your body chilling immediately now that it lacked his added warmth. "I don't know about that." You sighed as your thoughts went back to your raging sister.

"Why? Because of Marinette?" He asked. Luka felt so conflicted because while he still loved Marinette, he was pissed at her for the way she had treated you that night. When he looked at you he saw so much of her, but at the same time you were completely different. You were just amazingly you and he was starting to realize that now.

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