34. Kissed Like That

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Unknown Location
"Have you received any new information on the guardian?"

"I got a bit distracted tonight dear." The man said as he removed his warm gloves, taking the miraculous back from the girl.

"So that's a no then?" She growled.

"Don't get so worked up." He waved his hand dismissively at her. "I've still got my working theories."


"Well for starters, I don't believe Y/n Dupain-Cheng is the guardian."

"Why is that?" She asked.

"Her partner, Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir as we know." He began and the girl nodded. "But that man is a walking idiot so clearly he knows nothing."

"How can you be so sure?" Her brows furrowed.

"He just doesn't." He snapped. "Anyways, did you notice that once he was arrested, there was a new hero adorning the suit."

She nodded. "Of course."

"The only one that could have been was her, but she isn't entirely to bright either. I believe we are on the right path with her sister. She is the only logical choice."

"I think you are discounting people's intelligence to quickly." She shook her head disapprovingly. "Marinette can be a sort of airhead, but she has a calculating mind."

"You would know that, wouldn't you?" He grinned.

"I know you are clinging to the twins now, but might I remind you I've know them since I was little." She crossed her arms.

His eyes flashed with approval. "Yes Manon, of course I remember."

"You are Christmas shopping now?" Marinette gasped into the phone, her surprise warranted being that it was close to midnight.

"I'm trying too." You spoke anxiously. You left your parents house late due to the fact that your son was spending the night there after you received a third threatening note.

Your family had convinced you to contact the police about the notes. You would have stayed there with them, but you knew you could handle yourself.

Adrien had gone back to the house the two of you shared. He was getting all of your belongings, along with Dakota's. You had insisted that he sold the house, being that you had no plans to get back together or move in with him. He wasn't so convinced and refused to sell.

"Is it really safe for you to be walking the streets at night? I'll send Anthony or Luka-"

"No!" You exclaimed, your face burning up at the thought of seeing Luka again.
"Next time I see you, I want to kiss you. So I hope you have your answer." His alluring words ran quickly through your mind and you had to pinch yourself to distract from them.

"I'm good I promise." You quickly tried to fix yourself, being that your sister had no idea there was any 'developments' with Luka. You had no desire to see her shitty boyfriend either.

"Anthony left not to long ago, are you sure you don't want me to send him your way?" She asked gently.

"I'm fine, really." You spoke as you stopped in front of a store. The snow was coming down hard and there was only a small light remaining in the back of the store. "Dammit, they're closed."

"Go back to the bakery Y/n." She sighed, clearly exhausted and done talking to you. "It would be good for Dakota to see you in the morning anyways."

You groaned, knowing she was right. "Fine. Everyone Christmas shops online anyways."

"That's the spirit! Now let me go." She laughed.

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