15. Selfishness and Reality

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"The water is crazy clear." You whispered as you kicked your feet in rhythmic movements.

"Do you...hear the melody too?" Luka's voice was gentle and completely hesitant as he sat with you on the ledge. He hadn't been back here since the night he took Marinette, but something told him this would be the best place to make things right with you.

"I do." You had a small smile on your face as you sat with your eyes closed as you listened to all the sounds of the area around you.

"I'm sorry that I pushed too far." Luka's sighed.

You shrugged, "I overreacted. I was also a bitch, I'm sorry." Your eyes opened and you glanced over at him with a bashful smile spreading across your lips.

"Both true." He chuckled softly and his face immediately shifted to appear defensive when you glared over at him, "Hey you said it first."

You bit your lip as you tried to hold back your smile. "Yeah, well, I'm allowed to say it."

"I simply agreed with you."

The two of you fell back into silence. The water moved rapidly with the wind, as it was steadily growing later into fall.

"What's your favorite season?" You asked and he looked over at you with a confused expression.

"I don't really have a favorite. Each season brings something. One gives me more creativity musically, another inspires me to craft instruments." He spoke as he shrugged once more, like he could continue listing off reasons.

"Valid." You responded though you could only think about how similar he sounded to Marinette's indecisiveness.

"What about you then? Just to continue on with your random questions." He snickered and you resisted the urge to smack him.

"Fall." You answered immediately.

"Well you must be happy now then."

"You wanna know why? Since you had your justifications ready I may as well give you mine." You grinned at him and he nodded simply, not picking up on the playful tone you threw back at him.

"Go ahead."

You blinked as you paused but then nodded. "You can see the stars the best during the fall. I don't understand why truly, but they are the brightest during this time of year."

"Why do you care for the stars so much?" He questioned.

You smiled softly. They had always reminded you of all the places you wanted to go because the stars looked over everyone. For a few years, stargazing was the best way to connect with Marinette...and there was also Adrien who always reminded you that your heart was in the stars. "They're beautiful and hold an incredible amount of meaning." You decided to keep the answer simpler.

"I agree but I guess I'm also not the type to focus as much on the simpler things in life."

You looked at him with a baffled expression. "You don't think so? That's surprising with how calm you are, I'd think you would like everything to be simple." You snorted.

"I'm calm on the outside Y/n, but my mind and my heart are always raging." With the way his eyes lit up when he looked at you, you couldn't help but wonder if he wanted to finish that statement with 'when I'm with you.'


The two of you stopped at your door.

"I really am sorry again. I can't control my stupid ass temper sometimes." You spoke, embarrassed.

Luka's smile widened. "Or your mouth." He squished your cheeks together and you batted his hand away.

"Go home you little fucker." You stuck your tongue out at him and turned to reach for your door. Luka grabbed your wrist, making you stop with your hand hovered over your doorknob.

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