30. Betrayal and Convenience

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"I don't believe we have met."

The sound of his voice was familiar—though it was much lower than you were used to hearing.

"Don't turn yet." He had a hand placed on the curve of your arm. "I don't want you to be too surprised."

You could tell he was smirking.

"Who are you?" You asked gently, your mind racing due to how similar the stranger sounded to your new boyfriend.

"Felix Graham De Vanily."

"That's quite the name you have there."

"I've heard you have quite a long one as well." He countered and your brows furrowed.

"How do you know who I am?" You questioned as you moved to turn around and face the stranger, but his grip on your arm tightened, sending you into a flurry of nervousness. 'Where was Adrien?'

"Things have gotten a bit serious between you and my cousin—I just figured I'd like to make you a better offer." His hand began to trail down your side.

You pulled your arm out of his grip. "Listen here motherfucker-"

Your eyes grew wide.

Seeing him reminded you of the night Marinette told you about Adrien's identical cousin. You hadn't believed her at the time.

Before you stood a man of the same stature as Adrien. The only noticeable difference between the two was his business attire and hair that was slicked to the side. His lips were tugged into a smirk that you assumed would never falter.

You stumbled backwards. "Who are you?"

He shook his head disapprovingly. "Man you're a slow one aren't you? A shame, really, but I guess my cousin would need someone dumber than him." He threw his hands up hopelessly as he shrugged.

"I'm not dumb! Fuck you—stupid identical asshole!"

He sighed. "Vulgar too. Aren't you just embarrassing yourself at this point?"

You hissed. "Goodnight." You stormed passed him, but he grabbed your elbow once more before you could get to far.

His lips hovered against your ear. "I have a feeling we will be seeing each other again, very soon."


"We will now hear from the side of the defendant." The judge commenced as the prosecution stepped towards his table.

Adrien's lawyer stood promptly, smoothing out his ridiculously expensive suit. "The accusation that my client, Adrien Agreste had any involvement in the crimes committed within his house has no real backing and is simply convenient to assume." You smiled softly at the opening statement.

"Agreste was only a student in high school at the time his father supposedly began akumatizing the people of Paris-"

"Did you say supposedly? Did you forget that he was caught by our city's heroes?" The prosecutor jumped in.

"You had your turn to speak—please sit back and allow him to have the same luxury." The judge sighed as he motioned his hand back towards the lawyer to speak.

"Thank you your honor." He cleared his throat. "I have brought in five key witnesses and paperwork that shows my client wasn't even living in his father's home for the past seven years."

The folder was passed around to the jury.

"I would like to call up Y/n Dupain-Cheng."

"You better tell them." Felix whispered once more and you refused to spare him a second glance.

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