Chapter 3

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"For today's class, I have something planned that I think you youngsters might find quite enjoyable." Mr. Zhongli started.

"It is a project about..." He explained until everyone understood what the assignment was.

"Ahem, now I will be naming the teams. I hope you and your partner can get along well. If there are any problems, please come to me and we will solve them. Moving on." He continued.

"Here we have..."

Gorou had already travelled to another planet, Mr Zhongli's classes were such a bore for him. He didn't do that good in his class either, probably cause he was trying excessively hard to not fall asleep right on the spot. It was only interesting when he'd talk about his love life with Mr. Tartaglia. The stories he had to tell were hilarious. Mr. Tartaglia is sure a tease.

"And finally, Gorou and Albedo." Mr. Zhongli finished naming all the pairs. Gorou wasn't sure who Albedo was, he never really took the time to learn anyone's names anyway.

"For the rest of the period, I would like for you and your partner to discuss on what you'd like to add onto your project. Remember, keep your voices down please. Thank you." He finally finished talking. That felt like years to the teal eyed man.

"Uh hi, I am Albe-"

"Jesus Christ!" Gorou jumped and looked behind him to lock eyes with the one and only Albedo.

"I-I'm sorry, did I startl-" He tried again, only to get interrupted again.

"So you're Albedo? The nerd who knows the answer to literally everything?" Ooh, that came off as rude. Not Gorou's intention at all.

"W-well I wouldn't call myself a ner-"

"God wow! I got paired with someone smart, say? Did the archons send down an angel to help me with my grad-"

"Would you please mind not cutting me off every two seconds?" Albedo complained. This was like a second Kaeya he'd have to deal with.

"Ahem, let me restart. I am Albedo, president of the Alchemy club. And I'm guessing you're Gorou?" He asked.

"Correct!" Gorou replied with a cheeky grin.

"Say... Are you new here? I've never seen you around here." He asked, but wasn't expecting the response he got.

"I've been here since last year in almost all your classes. Maybe if your head wasn't where your ass is most of the time, you would have noticed by now." He rudely responded.

"Ahah, sorry..." Gorou awkwardly said.

"No need to apologize. C'mon let's get started."


Mr. Venti was a lot more exciting when it came to teaching. He was more enthusiastic and would throw some jokes from time to time to keep the class entertained. Surprisingly Mr. Venti also had a group project in store for his lovely students, as he likes to call them.

"Well today kiddos, we have a group project! We will be working with the old man's- I MEAN, Mr. Zhongli's class. I will be the one forming the teams and you'll work with what I give you, is that clear enough for everyone? Or is someone still stuck in the clouds? No? Perfect!" Sure, Mr. Venti was a lot more amusing than Mr. Zhongli, but Mr. Venti could sure be a handful sometimes.

"I'll be forming the teams now, starting off we have...Oh! Kazuha and Scaramouche! Interesting pair don't you all think?" Venti joked.

Kazuha already had stopped listening when he heard his name being called. 'Scara..mouche?' He thought. Was he aware of who this was? Maybe...or maybe not.

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