Chapter 10

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Attempt 1.

About a week passed after Scaramouche and Kazuha had their conversation. Gorou and Kazuha were both in their separate classes, waiting patiently for the lunch bell to ring.


All the students got up from their seats, making their way out of the class and into the hallways to meet up with their friends.

The corridors were crowed with students. Some where headed towards the cafeteria, others were heading out the door.

Obviously Kazuha was looking around for a certain someone, but it was hard to see knowing that he's a short man. It was something he was a bit insecure of at first, but he's grown to accept it.

Kazuha made it to the grand hall where he and Gorou usually meet up after classes or during lunch. But the teal eyed man was no where to be seen. He started getting a little anxious, knowing Gorou would always arrive here before him. The white haired man pulled out his phone to call the other. Jumping when he felt a bit of pressure on his shoulders.

"Boo." Gorou whispered.

"Oh there you are, I was just about to call you." Kazuha put his phone back in his pocket and faced the other. 

"C'mon let's go, I don't feel like eating in the cafeteria today." Kazuha stated, looking up at the other, waiting for his response.

"Don't act like I didn't scare you Kazuha." Gorou giggled. The tables have finally turned.

"You didn't scare me, I just got, you know... A little startled."

"Same thing! Anyway's let's get going!" Gorou grabbed onto Kazuha's hand and ran out of the school gates. Gorou was thinking they could just go home and order food but, it would be quicker if they just ordered in store.

The teal eyed man stopped in his tracks, letting go of Kazuha's hand to turn and look at him.

"There's a plaza full of good places we could eat at, it's not too far from here!" Gorou reported.

"You can choose where we can eat today, I'm sure I'll find somewhere anywhere." Kazuha smiled. He felt the other tug on his hand letting him know they're about to start walking again.


They both agreed on dining in a Japanese bar. Gorou ordered a plat of Sushi and Kazuha asked for some Yakitori.

Both young men started talking about their new assignments, classes, teachers and just school in general.

"I do NOT like Mr. Xiao!" Gorou said while stuffing another piece of sushi in his mouth.

"May I ask why?" Kazuha said. Gorou swallowed and started explaining.

"He scolded me because I dropped my pencil!" Gorou complained. "And then, he made... What was her name again? Um... It was... Gan... Ganyu! There we go. He made Ganyu cry! So her girlfriend... What was her name? Uh... Ke... I give up. She's the one with purple hair. So yeah the purple haired girl had to comfort Ganyu because she was a total mess! Than purple haired girl confronted Mr. Xiao and got sent to detention! Can you imagine?" Gorou ranted. He talked fast but at a pace that Kazuha could barely take in anything he said. But he didn't care, as long as Gorou was happy with him, nothing else matters.

"But anyway, enough about myself. How was Ms. Yae Miko?" Gorou took a sip of his drink, waiting for the others answer.

"Ms. Yae Miko? Oh, she was fine. I'm surprised her and Ms. Baal are married, personality wise they're very different." Kazuha commented. In a way the two women reminded him of him and Gorou. He was just less mean and bitchy compared to Ms. Baal. Or he could say, Mrs. Baal.

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