Chapter 26

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"What the hell are you doing?" Scaramouche asked. His tone was stern and loud.

Kazuha froze. Wasn't Gorou supposed to be distracting him?

"I was... Uh—- Ordering a pizza?"

"Have you lost your mind? If you wanted some you could've just asked me." Scaramouche said. He pushed Kazuha aside to make the phone call himself.

"What toppings?" Questioned Scara.

"You're actually getting one?"

"Yeah no shit. Just cause I hate you doesn't mean I'd let you starve to death. Besides, I'm craving some too." He explained.

"Oh okay then. How about one box of cheese pizza and the other one with half chicken and half pepperoni?" Kazuha proposed. He also wondered what Gorou was doing at the moment. Was he okay?

It was only a matter of time before Scaramouche got off the phone.

"I'm going to pick it up in one hour. Don't do anything stupid. Now please, can you go away? My eyes are starting to burn, I've been looking at you for too long." Scara complained.

Without hesitations, Kazuha left and went to search for Gorou.


Gorou was in his room alone waiting for Kazuha to come back with some good news, well hopefully.

"Gorou, Gorou love. Guess what?" Kazuha seemed a little happier than before. Which probably means something.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Gorou asked. Kazuha went to lay down next to him.

"Everything's fine. I think this escape plan could work."

"What do you mean by that? More details please?" Gorou asked. Millions of questions filled his mind, and only Kazuha was the source to find his answers.

"Scaramouche is going to get pizza in one hour." Kazuha stated.

"Okay...?" Gorou said. An expression of confusion was plastered on his face.

"When Scara isn't here, his men will probably loosen up a bit. Which means, after Scara leaves we could try looking around for the keys to all the locks." Explained Kazuha.

"I get what you mean but, how are we supposed to do all that before he comes back? It doesn't take years to get a pizza."

"Listen up love. We're in the middle of nowhere. Getting to the nearest pizza place should at least take over 40 minutes. If we work hard enough, I'm sure we can do it." Kazuha smiled and took Gorou's hands in his.

"Do you believe in me?" He asked.

"Yes, of course I do Kazuha."

"Then let's get to work."


After Scaramouche set off, Kazuha and Gorou immediately parted ways to look for the keys to all the locks. It wasn't easy, the place was dark and it was very hard to see.

Gorou was in this one room. He bent down to look under this shelf. But as he was doing that, a pile of books fell on his head.

"God damn it!" He whispered.

Some caught Gorou's attention.

When one of the books hit the floor, something flew out of them.

"The keys!" He yelled. But then he soon covered his mouth, he wouldn't want the other to hear him.

Now the hard part, where was he supposed to hide them? His clothes were pretty much torn, they'd fall out easily.

Gorou could hear footsteps coming towards the room his was in.

| "I'll wait for you."| A kazurou fanfic <3Where stories live. Discover now