In Search

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AUTHOR pov: "So when did you saw him for the last time ?" Officer Tapan ask dr.Roy . " Tow days back when he Anuj left the hospital in a total rush" he answered as officer Rajat Tiwari was recording their answers. Dr. Roy was right now in Lal Bajar police station with miss Sima.From last two days Anuj and Pari are missing. At first he tried to find them by himself . Yesterday he called Anuj more than 100 times but no...none picked up the call . They also went to his house. No one was there and the house was a total mess. Dr. Roy is elder brother of officer Tapan who is working on the case of missing of children with Officer Tiwari. When his brother called him and said that another child went missing he told them to immediately to come to his office." Hmm I this is the 10th kidnapping of this month.. now also with an adult." Officer Tapan said." Something is wrong... I noticed one thing that all the kids who were kidnapped are not more than 7 years and are born between April and July.....??? " . " Do you think this cases are connected??" Dr. Roy asked...." Actually there is a chance that they are...." Officer Tapan answered dr.Roy...


Officer Tapan Roy's pov : What the hell is going on now this is the 10th case of child missing. And even the strangest thing is that all of them were at the same age, and born between April and July....and also most of the went missing during the time between 5pm to 6pm... I was thinking all this when we reached Mister Mitra's house....we entered the house... His car is still standing in front of his house..We entered the house to find it all empty no one was there.... We searched the hole house but we don't find anything suspicious....with out room with a locked door..... We tried to open it.... But we don't find any key neither we could not broke the lock either .... It seems like something is wrong with is room.... I mean...why should someone have a room like this beside the dinning room...and what kind of doors and lock are these...we tried so much but no ... It still the same .... We Get out of the house. Wait a minute....what about the other house...we crossed while entering the neighborhood.....Me, Tiwari and some other constable entire the house.... The first floor is empty....but when we went to the second floor.... There was something interesting.... First a mobile which I picked to only see 70 missed calls from my brother.... Anuj's mobile... He came here for some reason.....and the other thing was a syringe.... I took in my hand and.... When I look at the doesn't seems like it's ordinary... it's quite big and..there is also...some shot of silver liquid in it .. I handed it to Tiwari... He looked at it....for some moments...." This type a thing can be found in chaina town ... I am sure..." He said... So something is going on wrong in chaina town....seems like we have to go there....


Anuj" pov: Ahhh were...were am I....ahh I am not room and and...were were is Pari... I cannot cannot...stand and I on on the floor and tied up with iron chains ????????. my...head ahh it's hurting what the going on...wait wait I Remember what happened yesterday... someone..hit me on the head from behind and..then....ahh were is this place looks like some cell and....there is no light in this room with out the small window on one side of the wall.... But as being a vampire I can see and smell clearer than normal human beings . And I can smell Pari...she is somewhere close.....ahh dam it I am tired with iron chain and.... I am hungry as a dam beast.....god .... I am weaker than I was .. I cannot break myself free ......wait wait someone is coming..... I close my eyes... As I heard the iron door of the room opening..... Someone is getting in.... I can say my the smell that the person is s female... And wait I know the smell.... That dam lady around my house who was spying on me and my daughter..... She turned my over and opened my arms for a brief moment and that all I was waiting.....with out wasting any time I grabbed her by the coler and slammed her on the ground... before she could move I bite her on the nake.... The blood hit my mouth and I started regaining my strength....soon she was almost emty and I thow her lifeless body on the ground....but I know she was alive. I saw there was a side bag on her shoulder. I opened it and found a mobile and keys ...the mobile was ringing and the name showing was Sath ji ....I picked that call and a male voice asked" is the job done ? And I am on my way" I think I know the voice but I don't have much time I have to search for my daughter . I looked at her hand it had a syringe with liquid silver in this is how I lost my senses last night.... Because they must had injected me with this.... I literally kicked the iron door open to only see my poor child lying on the ground I peaked her up....she is sensesless.... Her hands and leg wre tied up with ropes... I untied them and take her in my arms... I started walking out of the place.... And lucky enough I found the way out and now...we are.....AHHHHHHH I ..... I someone hit me again on my head from behind.... I hold on Pari stronger...who is this.....who is in front of me .....I just can see his legs as... I am on my knees ..... He is wearing some long boots....and...I think...I am.... loosing...................


Officer Tapan Roy's pov: we were in the caina town ..... And my brother and his gf was at Anuj's house... they were keeping an eye there and were noticing if something goes wrong, I felt my mobile vibranting in my pocket I picked the call ....."hello hello Tapan someone get into that other house and now getting in a car...." I immediately get into our car and get on the way ..... To find that car... lucky enough my brother was able to tell the number of the car..... We started following it....and dam the driver noticed our car.... He started driving faster.....and faster.... We started almost raceing at a point soon he started driving towards chaina town.... Tiwari started driving our car as fast as he can.... I put my gun out and targeted one of the wheels of the car.... I pull the trigger....and the bullet hit the aim....the care soon hit a nearby wall and stopped....we get out of our car with our guns who ever was in the car will be our key to solve this case........

[ TIME SKIP:2:30 AM]

AUTHOR POV: officer Tiwari stopped the car in front of Anuj's house... " Try to be care full and don't get involved again into something like this"he looked at the back site and said... The person sitting there is wounded....and looking tird . He noded and get out of the car with his daughter in his arms still sleeping. " Ooo Mister Anuj Mitra you have to come to the police station next Tuesday... And don't leave the city.." officer Tiwari said while looking at Anuj... "Okay... I will" said Anuj as he started walking towards his house...

Officer Tiwari started driving...his car as he reached the end of the neighborhood...he make a call to someone " hello ya... Tiwari speaking...we found them....but there is a bad news... He is stronger than we thought and your brother got involved in this ......seems like the war ....had began."


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