To see

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Pari's pov: It's now mid night of another Saturday and it's again time for me to dive in the past those pages of that dairy and see what happened that a normal boy become a living vampire
I was soon in my trance and saw papa in that orphanage with other kids was hard for me I can guess that .... He was nothing like other kids..they worshipped God he worshipped mata Kali ,they were white , blonde with blue eyes his skin was brown with dark brown eyes and jet black hair .. One day a green eyed kid with black hair get in with Father Albert '' Hello children meet Nile your new room mate" Said father Albert....the kid was fairly shy and wasn't talking much. He was sharing a bed banker bed with papa odd enough this kid and papa become actually good friends... something looks similar... This kid I felt like I have seen him somewhere day papa asked him"so what's your full name??!'"
" Nile Wolfe " that kid said smiling . Wait so this kid is Mr. Wolfe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Papa didn't had much from things he took from his home without one Idol of mata Kali..and a Japa mala one night he did something he tried to meditate and as he wrote what ever he saw in that diary now am also able to see the beginning it was all alright until someone strange happened he saw an old man...more like a sadhu ....he walked towards him.... slowly but surely this point he lowed his face enough so his face was really close to papa's ......this 13 years old self was still sitting and not moving....That old man let out one of the most horrifying screams I have ever heard ...papa didn't move he did that again but this time other voices also got added I felt like my ears were about to bleed.......the what I saw made me afraid way too much.... I saw rotten hands getting out of the floor and them rapping themselves around papa.....two hold his shoulders two his eyes and other two his already folded hands that were in the yoga mudra .....and soon enough that place was covered with laughs and crys and screaming noises of unknown entities.....That man some times he crys.... some....sometimes he laughs some times he is Screaming....but papa didn't moved..........then suddenly they were all gone nothing was left ony that old man and papa. Papa was setting alone and that old man looked at him happily as he smiled and placed a Tilak on papa's forehead.....
Soon enough papa was setting all alone in that room no one was around him anymore but that Tilak on his forehead was still there which was surprising.....
I was suddenly pulled out of my trance but wait it wasn't suppose to happen right??????
But it was happening to me ......As I get back I was setting all alone in my room holding the diary wait is that mean.. I opened it and found some words written..." Father Albert don't know that I already know my father was a Tantrik ,and my diksha is already done today this night will be the second part of it. "

So it was the night papa started becoming what he was....????!!!!!!!


Moments back Ayan called me and wanted talk to me he sounded odd.... I realized he was sad or maybe even crying
"What happened love are you okay??!" I asked
" remember that I was trying for internship?!"
He said "I you told me love what happened???!!" I asked him
"Well I got that my university choose to shift me to Derjeling Government college and to do........To do my internship in Derjeling Court .. so.. it's possible I will be away for next 2 ye...years........I told dad that I don't want to do..... I said but...he didn't listen....he said no I...I must for future........"
I heard him sobbing..... No please no ...
"Hey it's okay love I am always with you and will always be there for you.... I love you too much ....'"
I said while still trying to hide that am sobbing quietly.......
"Pari... I .. I love you too much I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH!!"
I head him saying as I felt tears rolling down my eyes heart was in pieces like why why why WHYY?!!!!!!!!!
Next morning I head it again from uncle Roy . He will go on Wednesday next week I felt my heart week one week and then will be months ti we again see each other....Monday we spend together it was our first time shipping college and it was a total day with him just spending at the Princep Ghat ..... My head was on his shoulder as he placed his head on over mine and we were holding hands.....I am gonna miss him miss him too much....

(Time skip Tuesday)

Next morning I went to college and it was my day to council Dr.Roychudhari.

I entered the room as he was lying on the sofa and there was a light over his head lighting his face..... I set next to him " will I heal " he asked..." Well I will try my best to heal you" I said trying to smile .
He looked at me and his eyes were kinda teary '' it's it's the wound of love......not any ordinary pain" he said
"Hmm so is that Ratri...that came back again and again in your stories?"I asked
"Haha yes her....and and the night sky and all those storms and winds her and my love that I lost...."
" Lost how... don't mind me asking I mean what happened ?? She left you"
He looked at me again" I wish she hadn't"
He said.
"What do you mean by that?!''I asked.
He looked at the light and  said" I thik more like I fell love is not for all...may be not for me too .. when I was 20 she was 18 we meet in college" .
"Then what happened?!" I asked .
'' we didn't even realized how we fail for each other and..then 4 years went like a clouded dream. And even before 25 years old me was able to find a job her faith was fixed" he stopped.
"What do you mean by that?!"I asked...
He looked at me again and continued " She was married off.......
1 year later I again saw her ....... she wasn't looking happy she was looking frail ..... Was she was she crying....????! She was about to cross the road I .....I shouted ....that that many people..... I cried for her I miss her I love her.....oh to be her's"

He stopped........." So 1 year after her marriage she died in a car accident and it was right in front of you " I said
"Yes but not the death of her for me..
She is living in my memories and stories"
He said in a trance like state his eyes were looking at nothing and yet something he was looking as if he is felling her love again and again....
By this time my heart was already too heavy as I was thinking about Ayan 6 days and he will be too far.....
........I don't even realized I was crying until Dr.Roychoudhari was setting up and weeping my tears away then he suddenly moved and looked at me ....his eyes were filled with an odd look as if he was looking at a dream ..... " Am am sorry Pari.... I mean you okay....?!why are you crying.."
"Nothing Sir just felt a little odd" I covered my fillings but no no I wasn't oky I was yearning the love of my life .........

" Please don't cry..... I don't know how to say this............" He said as I was leaving the room I looked at him as he said looking at me again'' I will hate to see you cry....Pari"" he said with a small smile.....

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