Realisation....of what??

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Author's pov:  At this point Pari was realising that DR. Roychowdhury was trying to flirt with her but she wasn't too sure he is friendly but too friendly some times, she at first felt that this man is trying to get friendly now she feels this man is trying to get her attention.

Even when the last counciling happened he gave her flowers. Today is the day she will tell him to stop . As always Mr. Roychowdhury was talking too much to her she always thought it was kind of strenge "sir here to council you ofcourse you have to talk to me ..but please...I think it' it's getting a bit too much to something we shall not ....aa..get into*"" she said trying to not sound rude but at the same time to say him no ..she must say him no..." Wait what??" He asked.she looked at him and with a deep breath she said" sir your behaviour is making me question that you are trying to flirt with me " she said only to get a laughter from the man in front of her "hahahah no no no no am sorry am sorry...I again got talking too much right??? A lot of people may think that I like someone that's why am doing this but trust me I talk like this a big time chatter " he said causally "then the flowers??" Pari asked.....the fumbled out the words "oo sorry miss Mitra I I saw you crying for your papa so..I tried to make u fell better... because well I guess the reason you cried is relatable......I lost my dad when I was 12.."he said ...Pari felt a little dumb but at the same time surprised to see that he wasn't actually trying to flirt with her !

Pari's pov: I got back home and placed my self on the bed ...the weather is getting a bit better as it's raining all day long ...... I need to get my work done..I closed the windows and light up the candels forming a circle ... I set down inside the circle with the  Diary in my hand I started fading away in my won mind and seeing myself at the place where the events took place papa was talking to mister Wolfe and he was the only kid talking to Papa...the reason they got along was because his dad ,my Grandfather and father Albert were some how connected....and that connection was vampire hunting....

My Grandfather indeed was a Tantrik but at the same time he was a well known doctor who had a hunger for history and went to several countries.....
The Mitra family were once jamindars at Rar areas of west bengal with extreme amount of weath ..but sadly my grandfather lost his mother at the time of birth and father before he was even 5 his window aunt brought him up and he got into sprituality at the age of 13.....

Papa told me all this when I was a kid but right now what I saw made me realise the reason behind the connection..... while papa and mr.wolfe were talking papa said '" you know what my baba had one of those spikes that can kill pisachs that was made out of silver !" .."same here isn't this odd??!" Said Mr. Wolfe ..."Also father Albert got several of them ...I saw him cleaning them one day, Don't tell him now...he was cleaning them under the streem in the back yead I went to take the ball and saw it.....weird right?!" said papa in a lower voice to his friend...."but what are they for??? Mr.wolfe said ... ... "Are here still pisachs ??" He said ....

Suddenly the tance ended and with the realisation I was setting there . So they were going around killing vampires around the world but for some reason they meet but what reason...? What was behind all this ...???

And here I got my won life issues like why is this Dr. Roychowdhury trying to get me like dude why ? Why ??? Are you trying to do this?? I really hope next time he acts like a normal person or else I will just stop doing his counciling like dude really wanted to flirt or was just being friendly? Am still confused..he wasn't even a bit disappointed or embarrassed when I said him no..he is weird as hell.....

Here am also Missing it's been so long since I even saw him ... All I want to do is spend some time with him and talk to him for a bit longer to hold sing together with him........I miss him so much.........

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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