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Author pov: " when I return......home I saw.......everything a total mess.. then.....someone head from behind... I woke up next a.....godown of some unknown.....factory....I some how cut the ropes....that were my hands....I walked out.....and saw four.......unknown men......and they......tried to......Stop me and......we exchange...some punches.....I also hit....two....of the....with a ....iron.....stick... lying daughter among.....some other kids ...." Anuj an Police officer was taking his statement...he stopped the recorder in his mobile..." Okay you may leave now " he said and Anuj stand up and started walking towards the door away of the room where Pari was setting on a beach he took her hand and started walking had been 12 hours after Anuj and Pari are Police... Next morning he was called to Lal Bajar police station to give his statement....the officer who was taking Anuj's statement drink some water...and then went to Officer Tiwari.... " Sir... I had already sent you the recording in your mobile... My payment??" He asked.. Tiwari looked at him and said " it will reach your bank account soon.....but why the hell are you sweating like this ?"....."sir " the officer started saying" sir that...mister Mitra... something is wrong with him...his eyes ...I think they look reddish...and ....and...when he was around I ... I don't know why...sir but I was felling like ....he is about tare me into half with in some moments...he looks weirdly sceary sir......!!!!!!!!!!!!" He stopped.. "Ahhh god dam it stop this....go take some rest" Tiwari stated angrily.

Anuj's pov: " you...... tired sweet.... pea?" I asked looking at Pari on the back seat she was yawning... "Yup..I am sleepy" she answered...."it's okay..." I said as she closed her eyes....ahhh I am also tried but my work is not over.... I am fortunate that the police don't know what I really did last night otherwise I would be in jail by now.....

ANUJ'S POV: AHHHH DAM bloody hell where am I.... where is Pari and where that that dam guy who hit me .... Wait what the hell.. I am tired with iron chains in mid air..the chains are tied with two pilers .....and..and...PARI...IS ON AN TABLE LYING AND... CANDLES ARE AROUND HER IN A SHAPE OF A CEYRCLE......5 MEN CLOTHED IN BLACK...ARE CHANTING SOMETHING...AND ONE IS HOLDING A DAGAR RIGHT ABOVE HER THROAT!!???????????? WAIT are ..they are..they trying to please some Demon by giving it the blood of my daughter...... I can't let this shit happen no matter what.....even if I have to cross my won boundary......of inhumanity.... I .....I.....can fell my teeth and nails growing in two bat like wings grow on my back...... A beastly growl leave my this time I had seen my sowrd lying beside one of the pilers.... As the growl leave my throat one of the five men come closer. And I had freed myself by breaking those chains.... I.... I cannot forgive them...any how ...... As he saw me.. he was frozen in fear.... Other four of them were still chanting that shit.... As he was about put his gun out.... I put my sowrd in his forhad...and cut him into half.... I was on a balcony and could clearly see others around my daughter who were chanting that...what ever it was..... I fly and got behind one of them... He sensed me...and right when he was about to turn around... I got him by throat and fly back to the balcony... I kicked him on his stomach making him fall on the ground.... Ahh I don't know why...why am I enjoined it so much.... I am graining like a total insan person , showing my fangs like a monster. He tried to stand up and stab me with a dagger....but I got him by his hand....and twisted it backwards as I entered my sword in his stomach and make it go upward until it reaches his throat....he let out a scream ahh this this what I ...I WAS WANTING HIM TO DO .... I CANNOT HOLD IT BACK HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA I LAUGHED LIKE A MANIAC ...YES YES DAM YES LET OTHERS COME HERE.... I WILL GET ALL OF THEIRE ORGANS OUT OF THEIRE BODY....LET THEM COME TO THE DEVIL BY THEMSELVES....HAHAHHAHAH.......By now he was on the ground.... caught... I set down.....and..put my two fingers in his two eyes hehehheheheh his eyes..hehehheheh they..they came out...then I will go for the heart... I .....had missed the taste of.... flash.... I entered my right hand in his heart and take his heart out of his body it was still beating..... I bite the lower part of it and made the blood.....come down.....hahhaha ..... I then take a bite of it now... I can hear footsteps....hehheheh more....more blood... I looked at them....hehehehehheheh they they look terrified...some 3 of them jumped out of the save themselves.... two of them run towards me.... I grabbed one of them by his head and I know it broke..... Hehehheheh I then grabbed his head and detached it from his walked for a while then stopped hehehehehehehehe the...the other one ... I gave him a quick death.... I just cut him into half...with my of them run down stairs... I know him the one who was holding the dagger to my daughter's throat soon I heard him screaming.... I jumped down from the balcony....and saw Pari.... holding her hands up.... Still lying on that dam table...and that guy was floating in the air.....whAT THE HELL...... PAri put her hand done and the guy dropped from their.... Right in front of me.... He stands up...and was about to stab me with his dagger.... before he even could... I put my sword in his throat..... And... decapitated his head.... along with his heart that come out of this body....."Papa...." I heard my daughter calling me...I......look at her....I am felling disgusting about how I am looking.... right now she was setting on the table... I walked towards her and within a snap I broke the chains that were tied with her hands and neend...with out any short of fear or disgust she hugged me.... I... I felt pure bliss... I wrapped my arms around her also my wings.....I gentally take her face in my hands and kissed her on the forehead... right now I am normal again only thing is that my shirt is totally ripped off .... suddenly someone opened the door and two men with guns walked in they were targeting us...but then Pari shouted"NO"and lefted her right hand making both of them float into mid air. I place a hand of her shoulder as a smile come on my face... I knew it...Pari have more abilities than just seeing ghosts...." Drop them ..... Child" I said as she let her hand down and let those two men fall on the ground... I am sure their spine is damaged.... Wait a bit who is that.... That guy behind the door..." Sweet pea...go behind the... Table" I said to my daughter....she goes behind the table....and hide herself... I walked towards the man and grabbed him by the coler ..... " Please please don't kill me please forgive me please...." He begged.... wait I dam know the voice that one guy in that creepy mask and also on the call...."okay but do.....what ever.... I say do..." I said while graining a bit insanely.....I tried him with a rope that was lying near by.... I went out side with Pari and saw behind some other kids were also lying behind some iron bars....."go and ...hide amon...them" I said to pari....soon some three men entire .... Let's say it was easy to handle... I just picked up a iron stick which was lying around and share some punches..... It wasn't long before Police arrived ...." Dr. Anuj Mitra?" One of them asked me... I answered yes.....then they took the four of them into their cars and also the other kids..... Officer Tapan Roy introduced himself.....and he said Dr. Roy helped him.... Now I am sure he is brother of Dr. Roy...they look quite alike he ordered another officer called Tiwari to send us home.

Pari's pov: I woke up at front of our home... But papa don't let me walk he took me in his arms and hold me as we entered the house..... " Where is your sword...papa ?" I asked... He put me down on a chair then smiled at me and opened his mouth and put his hand in it.... Soon he started taking his hand out....but it was along with the sword ???????????!?!?!?!?!??!!it was inside of his good dam body !!!??? "Wow" I said...he smiled at me..."come on... let's bed need to.... sleep" he said as he carried me to the bed room.....

(Two days later)
Pari's pov: I was setting in the daining room with papa as we were drawing pictures... When someone knocked on the door... Papa put his mask on and opened it... Roy uncle ,Sima aunty , officers Tapan Roy and boy about my age walked in.... "How are you mister Mitra??" Police uncle asked papa" I am ...well ...." Papa said...." And how are you brave lady?" He asked looking at me with a smile " I am okay" I said.... "Ahh dr. Mita thanks for helping us to caught that gang...we found 9 members of them.... ". Police uncle said to papa ."My..... the way...what did...they said... I mean this may ...... Kidnapping??" .Papa asked police uncle " Well... telling you the truth.....5 of them are not in good mental state...and the others said they did it for money.... Thought the gang leader said....they were about sell the kids to devil worshipers....out of the country..." He stopped... "Oo..I see...." Papa said.."Any way Anuj me and miss Sima are about to do registry marriage next month on 5th, please you and your daughter come to our house". Roy uncle said to papa with a smile on his face... " And oo let me introduce you son Ayan " said Police uncle pointing at the boy beside him. The boy smiled at me and handed me a chocolate. I looked at papa...why is he looking a bit angry.. I took the chocolate and go behind papa again... Then they left......

[ Main while]

Author pov: Tiwari called Mister Jones who is right now in Dubai..."hello sir both the vampire and the kid is alive" ...."okay..and what about my brother?" The person from other side asked... "I...I don't know sir" Officer Tiwari answered. "Then why the hell I keep paying you ha....I told you to keep an eye of my brother .Okay at last set a meeting for us.....on 7th of next month." Mister Jones answered."okay sir" Tiwari said as he cut the call.


Author pov: Tania make a call to the wife of her boss." Hello..." The woman picked the call and answer..."Hello... Suzi...your...your more" she said...........

(Sorry for the long chapter _ LILITH)

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