Red Carpet

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A/n- i'm sorry about the chapter titles 💀 idk what else to call them so i just put something down.

You were sitting on your couch watching tv and your phone started ringing as soon as you accepted the call she started screaming "BABBBEEE" "oh my god quit screaming" "Y/NN GUESS WHATTTT" "What babe" you laughed "You have been invited to a party!! well it's a premiere for some movie and there gonna have the red carpet for the actresses but then there's a party!!" "umm and when is this party?" "NEXT WEEK" "yeahh i don't really feel like going to a party" "oh my god y/n we haven't been out in MONTHS. You need to get out of the house. Your literally depressed because i know DAMN well you love to party."

"Yes but not with people i don't know.. and it's not gonna be that kind of party" "oh yes it is there's going to be drinks and music and LOTS of people!! we are going to get BLACKED OUT" "oh my god" you laughed "Abigail we can't get blacked out around actresses that would be embarrassing. You know what i do when i'm drunk." "oh yes let me rephrase that, I'll just get a little drunk while you get blacked out" "you mean after i'm blacked out that's when you'll get blacked out" you laughed "nooo, yess" she whispered the last part

You were on the phone with your best friend Abigail. She has been through everything with you and you were also childhood friends. She was also your manager. She got you into party's and she helped get you rolls for movies although so far you've only been in a couple and they weren't that big so, you weren't really that famous. But she set up everything for you. and you appreciated her so much. She could be a little MUCH sometimes but you still loved her.

"Say you'll goo pleaaseee, you don't have a choice anyway because your going, i'll get you a dress tomorrow and me a dress of course. So your going!" you rolled yours eyes "ok whatever." "AHHHH" she screamed in the phone so you held it away from your ear until she stopped "oh my god you've GOT to stop that" "Y/N I LOVE YOUUU MWAHH" she kissed then phone and then hung up.

The she instantly texted you

See you in a week boo 😘

You tuned turned off your phone and shook your head laughing and went back to watching tv. You were kind of excited but also nervous because you didn't know everybody personally and.. abigail said you were getting drunk so you don't want to make a fool of yourself.

How did she even get me into this party? you thought.

**Time skip**
also a/n- i think imma change the pov like saying 'i' instead of 'you' but if y'all don't like that just lmk and i'll go back to saying 'you'.

It was the day of the party and i had just woken up but i still layed in my bed. Then i heard a knock on the door. "omg who tf"

I put the pillow over my face and then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was Abigail. "Open the damn door" "shut the fuck bitch" i ended the call and got up to unlock the door. When i did i just glared at her and she smiled innocently. "I GOT YOU THE DRESSS. Well actually i've had the dress but you should try it on, i mean i know it will fit but you should still try it on, like right now" she gave me the dressed and stood there smiling.

"So is this like a long poofy dress party or a short tight dress party?" I asked "Well umm... i'm not really sure but!" she walked into my kitchen and started making herself tea "your body looks GREATTT in tight dresses and sooo hot like literally i would get with with you if you weren't my best friend. and i couldn't decide on short or long so you'll just have to look at the suprise!!"she clapped her hands  "your crazy you know that?" "aww thank you" she smiled and i rolled my eyes at her.

"Now go try it on!" "did you bring yours?" "yes of course i'm getting ready here with you!" "well try yours on too! I want to see it!!" "ok on i will! now go try yours on!"

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