Wine bottles and broken glass

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I searched the whole basement. I still couldn't find her. "Come on Victoria she could be anywhere! There could be so many secret places to go through, she could be in the walls for all we know. The doors are right there let's just go!" Elena said. I ignored her and kept looking. "come on please Victoria, what if she's outside" Elena said again. "You know good and well she's not outside!" I said while trying to see if there was any secret places to go like hallways or passageways or little holes. But i couldn't find anything.

"I'm leaving." Elena said. "Victoria!" I heard Olivia scream. It was so faint i barely heard her. I looked around and tried to find the stairs. I found them and ran up them. " Come Hallie! She's not going to find her and we're gonna die down here!" Elena said. Hallie looked at her and then started walking backwards and then turned on her heels to run after me. "Ugh oh my god!" Elena sighed and looked at the doors that she was next to and then back at Hallie.

"Ughh!" She groaned and then ran after us. I made it to another room. It looks like where we were when we first got here. "Olivia!" I shouted. "Olivia please call my name again! or make a noise or something!" Nothing. I heard nothing else. "Ou shit!" Hallie screamed. "what?" I shined the light on her. She looked at her arm and held it up. There were big scratches on them and they started to bleed. "oh my god" i whispered. "what the fuck did i tell you Hallie!" Elena said

I started tearing up again. What if Olivia was being hurt. I couldn't hear her anymore what if- what if she's... No, nope nope i can't be thinking like that, she's probably just fine! I took deep breaths in and out. I started searching the room we were in and then the hallways then some other rooms. She wasn't there. "We have to go upstairs" I whispered.

"I'm not going up there!" Elena said and crossed her arms. "Didn't say you had to" i said and then proceeded to walk towards the stairs. I stared at the hole that was in the middle from where i fell through. I shook the rails to make sure they were sturdy and pushed myself up and over the whole and carefully stepped back down.Hallie followed and soon enough so did Elena. Guessing she didn't want to be by herself.

I heard Olivia screaming. I've never in my whole life heard her scream like that. I ran through the halls and looked in every room. I tried to do anything and everything to see if there was some sort of secret thing that i could pull or push or move but nothing worked. I started crying again. "this is all my fault, this is all my fault" i whispered. "Hey it's lot your fault ok... it's ours" Hallie said rubbing my back. "I'm aware but it's also my fault, iled her in here, i let her in here"

"Do you think she would've stayed out there anyways with you alone in this house?" Hallie chuckled. "No" i sighed "i should've just stayed my ass outside" i giggled. "It's our fault ok? We pushed you..." Hallie reassured me. I sniffled and then we heard some stuff moving around. We heard Olivia screaming again. Only it sounded like she was right above us. I looked at Hallie and Elena who were looking up at the ceiling and then looked at me. "I know where she is" Elena whispered. She walked out of the room while staring up at the ceiling. "Where?!" I asked and followed her.

"She's in the attic!" Elena said. We rushed through the hallways until Elena stopped. There was a door hatch with a draw string hanging on it. I jumped up and tried to pull it down but i couldn't reach it. "I'll lift you up" Elena said. "Please you can't pick me up-" Elena lifted me up. "Oh.. i guess you can" i said and reached as high as i could and finally pulled the door down. My flashlight turned off. "Shit!" I whispered.

"Here" Hallie handed me her phone. I turned its flashlight on and waisted no time to get up the latter. We rushed through the attic while calling her name. "I'm here!" Olivia sobbed. I saw her sitting on the floor. I ran to her and was almost there. "STOP!" Olivia screamed so i stopped where i was. "Stay. where. you. are." she said slowly "what- what's the matter?"

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