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I woke up the next morning with Helena not in bed. I hope she didn't get up after I fell asleep to get back on the couch. I got up and went downstairs to find Helena at the table with a cup of tea. "Good Morning Hellie" I said and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed her head. All she did was hum in response, and not in a friendly way. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to make me some tea. "Did you go back to the couch to sleep?" I asked but she didn't respond.

I turned around to see her from the kitchen "Helena" I said. She looked at me and said "what" I took a deep breath in. "Did you leave me again and sleep back on the couch?" I asked again. "No, i stayed in the bed" She said with no emotion. "I know your not STILL mad about last night" I groaned. Helena sipped her tea and raised her eyebrows. I went to sit by her at the table. "Is there something you want to do today?" I asked her. She didn't respond she just crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair.

"We've been invited to a birthday dinner" She said. "Who's?" i asked "Olivia Coleman" She answered. "Oh, ok" "It's at 6 so be ready by then" She said and got up off her chair. "Hellie!" I yelled at her "what?" "what is wrong? You can't be mad at me forever, do you even know what your mad about?" I said. All she did was roll her eyes and keep walking. "Fine then" I said. I got up and pulled her back to her chair. "What are you doing?" She asked but i didn't answer "Hello y/n? I asked you a question" "hush and sit down" i told her. She raised one of her brows and looked at me. I sat her down in her chair and then sat on the table in front of her

"Is there an actual reason your still mad at me?" I asked and all she did was stare at me. I sat down on her lap with my leg on either side of the chair. I could tell she was already flustered by the way she was looking at me frantically but she tried not to show it. "Is there something you want?" I asked and smirked but she didn't answer. I started moving my hips back and forth on her. "Is my baby upset because we didn't finish what we started?" I asked in a teasing voice. I kissed her and at first she didn't kiss back

but then she did and put her hands on my ass helping me move back and forth. I started to kiss her neck and she leaned her head back. "Is that what it is? She's all wet and frustrated?" I said in between kissing her neck. She still hadn't answered. "Helenaa" i taunted her. I stopped my movement but she tried to move me again. "Fine" I said and got off her. "Since you don't want to answer me, I guess i'll just leave you alone" I said and walked to the hallway but she had gotten up and grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall. She started kissing me harshly and she touched

my clothed clit which made me moan in her mouth. "Mm-  s-stop it Helena, you didn't want to answer me so now you can't have me" I said and tried to get off the wall but she slammed me back against it. "And what makes you think I have to answer you? Who do you think is in control? And besides, maybe I didn't want you, who said I was upset and flustered?"  She asked. I wanted to mess with her, I wanted to tease her all night, and with what i had planned just might work. "You when you had your panties in a twist because I hadn't taken them off, also, who's got who against the wall?" I asked and raised my eyebrow

She let go of me. "Can't keep your hands to yourself?" I asked mockingly and she glared and went upstairs to the bedroom. It worked, and she doesn't know what she just did to herself, because i'm going to be messing with her all night, to where when we get home she won't be able to keep her hands off me. She's already turned on now, so imagine what she'll be as the night goes on.

I sipped on the rest of my tea and then went up to Helena's room. She was on the bed reading a book. As I was walking to her i asked "what are you reading?" "Price of salt" She said annoyed like i was supposed to know what she was reading. I got on top of her and she didn't put her book down she just looked at me through the top of it, raising one of her eyebrows. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Yes, you could put that down" I said and took the book while leaning closer to her. I softly and slowly pecked her lips a few a times until she turned away.  "y/n i'm not in the mood for you" She said but i just kept going.

"Y/n- what- what are you playing at!" She yelled
"I just want your attention" I breathed out against her neck. "Well just a minute ago you wanted me off you" She said. "Im only kissing you, that's all i want to do is kiss you" I said and started kissing and sucking on her neck she closed her eyes and leaned her head to the side a little "Mhmm" She hummed sarcastically. "Why- are you being so mean to me" I said while kissing her neck. She didn't answer for a little while she was just humming and enjoying what i was doing. "Because your an ass and won't listen" She said while in her daze. "Is that so?" I whispered "mhmm" She hummed in response.

"Well" I said and went back to her lips. "Your an ass too" I said and she only hummed again as an answer. I stopped and looked at her for a minute and she slowly opened her eyes. "What?" She asked. "Nothing" I said smirking and got off her. "What- where are you going?" She asked. "I'm leaving" I said. "Leaving where?" She asked concerned and sat up in the bed. "Emm to my house?" I said "Wh- Why?" She asked. "Because I want to take a shower" I said "You could just take on here" She said

"Mhmm but I don't want you trying to get in with me" I said smiling " I wouldn't want to get in with you" she said and rolled her eyes "Ohh yes you would, and you will, but with you acting like that, i don't want one with you" I said. She scoffed and rolled her eyes again "I won't get in with you just take one here" She said annoyed and picked her book back up. I went in her bathroom to take a shower. When I was done and i got out I forgot to bring clothes with me in the bathroom. Actually i forgot to bring some to her house. I rolled my eyes knowing I would have to either call her or just go out myself and get some.

Calling her would probably give her more satisfaction so instead i walked out and got some myself.  When i walked out Helena was reading her book. She glanced at me for a second but then looked back at her book. "Is it ok if I borrow some of your clothes for right now" I asked "Sure" she said irritated. "Well, I could walk around the house without clothes on, or I could go out to my car, naked, drive to my house, naked, and walk inside my house, while everyone can see me naked" I said trying to make a point. Instead she put her book down, raised her eyebrows and smiled sarcastically as in saying

she didn't think I would do all that, but I most definitely would. "Ok" I laughed and headed downstairs to find my keys. I heard Helena get up from the bed and mumble "mother fucker" and chasing after me. I quickly found my keys on the counter and walked towards the door. "Damn it y/n get your ass over here, it's bloody freezing outside your not going" She said sternly but I already had my mind set to leave. "No, I've got to leave some point to get my dress, might as well be now" I smirked.

"Y/n-" She said but I shut the door before she could say anything else. She was right it was freezing, and I was gonna walk to my car but there were people outside, it was more embarrassing then i thought it was gonna be. Helena swung open the door "Y/n get your ass back-" I didn't turn around to look at her because I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. "Come on y/n, stop fighting with me" She whispered. I rolled my eyes and turned around knowing she'd won, for now anyways.

I'll continue the teasing at the dinner, but I still felt bad for doing it now. She opened her arms and brought me inside. "I'm sorry" I whispered. Helena ran her thumb over my cheek and kissed me. "Come on, let's get you some clothes" We went upstairs and she gave me some of her clothes. I went to the bathroom to put them on and then came back in her room. She was again reading her book. I slowly walked over to her and sat on top of her smiling. She lowered her book to look at me. "what?" she asked laughing.

"I'm sorry" i said and leaned down to hug her, I was still embarrassed. I hugged her tight. "It's ok lovely" she said. I started putting small kisses on her neck and then all over her face while tickling her. She started screaming a laughing uncontrollably. "Quit y/n! I'm going to get you back for this now stop it!" She said in between laughs. I finally stopped and she playfully hit me. I started attacking her with kisses again though and she giggled. She caught my lips with hers and kissed me softly and slowly. "Come on, we need to start getting ready" She said while still giggling.

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