Are you real?

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TW~ derealization~ i'll put it where that's gonna start in case you don't wanna read it but wanna read the other parts.

We just sat laid there in a blissful silence just caressing each other's body.

Helena grabbed my side a little bit trying to tickle me so I did it to her back. "You put this here on purpose didn't you? You planned this" I said realizing about the rug and mirror.

"That's- I don't know what your talking about" Helena scoffed. I rolled over on my stomach to look at her. I glared while smiling. "Why can't you just admit it, The Helena Bonhamcarter wanted to fuck me on the floor, we all know your kinky now" I said. "Who is we?" She asked as she cocked one of her eye brows.

"Everyone, everyone knows" I said in a serious tone. "Oh do they?" She said and pinched my thigh. "Yes they do" I said as I giggled. "ohh baby you don't even know" Helena half moaned. I popped her on her arm and rolled my eyes. "What was that for?" She said pretending to be offended and hurt as she rubbed her arm.

"I know what your doing" I said and got off of her. She was trying to turn me back on. "I don't know what your talking about..." she said and all I did was scoff while staring at the ceiling. "well is it working" She asked and I glared at her while blushing. "No it's not working" I said.

Even though she was, whatever she did, no matter when or where, or even if she had the intentions or not, she always turned me on, or made me feel some type of way.

Helena lightly ran her finger over my stomach. It felt good and also tickled a little, I love when she does it. "I love you so much y/n" She whispered in my ear as she rolled on her side and got closer to me. "I love you too" I said and rolled on my side to face her. I put my hands in her messy hair, scratching her head lightly. She closed her eyes and smiled while I did it.

After a while of that, I noticed Helena kept moving around, soon I realized she was rubbing her thighs together. "You ok Helena?" I asked as I secretly smirked. "Yes why wouldn't I be?" She said innocently. "Are you sure?" I ask rubbing my fingers over her chest lightly. "Yes, what are you playing at you cheeky girl?" She asked while smirking and glaring at me. "Nothing" I said bluntly and moved my finger to i between her breasts. "Hmm, you don't seem to be doing nothing, you seem to be messing with me"

She said as she took my hand off her chest and intertwined our fingers. I stared at her while smiling like and idiot. I looked at her beautiful features on her face with every different expression she made. At first she was smiling but then she made a confused face at me. "What are you looking at?" She asked as she poked me. "You" I said and put my hand on her cheek.

"Not much to look at, your the one who should be looked at" She said giggling lightly. "There is most certainly a lot to look at" I said in a shocked tone and traced my finger over the lines by her eyes and over her lips. "Your so beautiful how could I not" I whispered and kissed her lips.

"So do you wanna tell me what this is?" I said smirking and pulling on the fluffy rug. "Honestly
y/n what are you talking about?" She said and rolled her eyes. "You did it! I know you did" I said in a high voice. "No I didn't" she replied mocking my voice. "Yes you did, and i'm going to find out how" I said and slowly got up. "And how are you going to- Y/n!!" Helena screeched as I pulled the covers off her and with me when I stood up.

I walked around the room looking for her purse. "It's bloody freezing come backkk pleasseee" She groaned. "What are you looking for anyway" She said as she watched me walk around the bed.

I found her purse and scrimmaged through it to find her phone. "why do you have my purse? what are you doing?" she asked. I dropped the purse on the bed and ran past her to the bathroom, locking myself in there. "Y/n I know you did not just leave me out here!" She yelled. "Y/n it's freezing please come back and lay with me" She whined. I went through her phone and to her messages. "Not until I find out or you can just go ahead and tell me" I shouted back.

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