「 五 」

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「 五 」 On the case

If an unsuspecting person happened to pass Kaijou's basketball court at approximately 5pm on a weekday, they would either:

a) lose their hearing;
b) think that a mad man was committing mass murder, or;
c) enter in curiosity to see what all the fuss was about.

Their next move (should they choose c) would depend entirely on their gender.

Should the poor victim be male, he would be near deafened by the migraine-inducing squeals of fangirls over one particular blonde model who was practicing with the rest of the regulars. He would be jealous and weirded out to some extent, however, should she be female...

She would most definitely let her squeals join that of the rest of her fangirl populace.

Unless the female happened to be Nijimura Yohime.

Though that was impossible, seeing that the girl in question had huddled herself up in a corner of the gym— god knows how considering the ruckus— fast asleep.

Well, she was fast asleep until Kise did a pretty spectacular move, copying one of his opponent, and dunking... resulting in a particularly high-pitched and sonorous wave of squeals and cheers from his legion of fans.

" Who... woke... me... up? " Yohime hissed, pushing herself up from the floor of the viewing deck (which she used as a bed).

A few girls screeched in shock as the black haired girl with a murderous expression rose from the floor like Satan out of the pits of hell and stalked towards the railing. Her coal-colored hair still mused from her nap and the dark bags under her silver eyes revealing how truly tired she was. This proved to make her all the more terrifying in everyone's eyes— to the point that everyone stopped to watch her in her wrath.

" You? " Yohime cooed, sickeningly, sweetly, pointing at a fangirl. " You? " She pointed at another. " In fact, all of you? " She gestured to all of the (now cowering) fangirls with a terrifyingly sweet smile.

" Please... Go die. " Yohime finished with a death glare the intensity of a thousand suns.

Kasamatsu and the rest of the basketball team had never seen girls move so fast in their lives. They practically pushed and shoved their way out of the gym, stampeding over each other, in a similar fashion to the one through which they entered the gym. The only difference was that in this case, they moved twice and fast and in the opposite direction that Kise was in.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Yohime trudged back sleepily to her spot on the floor (she had indeed stolen a couple of towels from the basketball team and made a nice cushy bed for herself) as she tiredly rubbed her eyes and yawning in a casual manner, as if she had not just turned into the likeness of a snake-haired demon before everyone not moments prior.

" Scary... " Kobori uttered softly, in fear that he would be heard by the Vicious Queen herself.

" She's (r)eally effective in getting (r)id of fangi(r)ls. I've neve(r) seen them leave so quickly before— not even when coach told them to go. " Hayakawa exclaimed in awe... Not that most of his teammates really understood him.

Nodding at his teammates words, Kasamatsu reveled in the sudden peace that swept the gymnasium.

" It's so peaceful now... " he remarked, contently with a smile. Then abruptly— " Kise! " Kasamatsu yelled, kicking the blond who was the root of all the ruckus in the back.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now