「 二十九 」

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I am aliiiivvvveeeee! Here's a chapter after five million years. I have a special chapter lined up so it's coming up soon!! Happy new year!!

- Charlotte

「 二十九 」 Bittersweet Farewells

" Yohime-sama! " Was the first thing she heard the moment she stepped through the school gates. A weekend had past since the conclusion of the Winter Cup and all the Generation of Miracles drama that had came along with it. Truth be told, she had been buried under a massive pile of school and Disciplinary Committee work; and had spent her past few days thus. Therefore, upon seeing Toyotomi Takeshi at the gate with Oda Ryuusuke, diligently checking for uniform infractions at the gate, she sighed a breath of relief. At least the school hadn't gone up in flames while she was gone. Especially since... the third years of the student council had retired.

She had seen on the group chat about the Himura and Shirosaki's decisions to step down from the positions on account of finals. Sakura, in her cute albeit, slightly pushover, glory had ascended from her Vice President roll to take up the mantle of President. Though, Yohime secretly had her doubts. She was certain that the more troublesome of students would push the limits with the kind girl now at the helm. Nevertheless, Yohime would make good on her reputation and beat the dissidents into submission. The thoughts of... strict, rule-enforcing, would have to wait for another moment, she relented, noticing that Ryuusuke had started to make a scene.

" Sis!! You're back!!! " He yelled, pumping his fists into the air and waving them wildly. All thoughts of his duties leaving his mind as the loud and brash second year whooped and shook the still pleasantly smiling Takeshi's arm violently.

" Yeah, I'm back. " Yohime affirmed, suppressing the amused smile that threatened to ruin her stoic mien.

" We should have a party! " She heard Sanada Yuu's cheerful voice before she saw his inverted pudding head of hair or blinding grin. Following behind the oversized child came Minamoto Kei.

" A party? " He echoed emptily. " Why on earth? "

" Don't be a buzzkill, Kei!! "

" A party? That sounds wonderful! " Yet another male joined the steadily growing group.

" Himura-senpai? " Takeshi inquired at the sight of the recently retired student council president. " What are you doing here? "

" He's retired, Takeshi, not dead. " Came Kei's dry quip. Though it was largely overlooked as Himura Sosuke turned his attention upon Yohime.

" You missed the party we had when we instated Sakura-chan, so it's only right that we have a party to replace the one you missed! " He cried cheerily. " We should have it today, immediately after school- " " I have basketball practice. " "- at five! In the Student Council room! " Yohime sighed tiredly. It was obvious that it wouldn't be an optional thing. So there was nothing left for her to do but nod.

" If Big Sis says so! " (Ryuusuke)

" Yosh! Party time! " (Yuu)

" Will there be Pocky? " (Takeshi)

" Why are you still calling the shots, Ex-President? " (Kei)

" Ex-President! How mean! " (Sosuke)

" A party? " (Kise, the latecomer to this group)

By this time Yohime had enough of socializing. " Shut up. " Was her very nice and very polite response. " We're gonna be late, so stop all of your blabbing and start running if you know what's good for you. " Instantly, there was silence. Every single male (all of whom where either her height or taller) immediately felt a chill rub down their spine. Standing at attention, they watched as she breezed past them and into the school building without a backwards glance.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now