「 三十 」

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Omg wait I'm SCREAMING. #1 in the tag kiseryouta I'm gone.

「 三十 」 14th February

It had been yet another peculiar situation Yohime had found herself in because of Kise, however, this time it was quite interesting. For her anyways.

" It's so happy to finally meet Kise's mystery girlfriend! " Kise-san beamed. And by Kise-san, Yohime was faced not by the blond idiot model as she sat at the wooden table in a quaint-looking kitchen but a blonde female a few years her senior. " He's been really sneaky and acting even more like an airhead than usual! "

This entire situation occurred because Kise had been slacking off with his homework. Again. Having the third years graduate and having to synchronize with the new first stringers was proving a little difficult for Kise; who only just learned not very long ago the joys of teamwork. Therefore, when Kise had called her at the ass-crack of dawn begging her to come to school early so that he could copy off her homework, she was less than impressed. What impressed her even less was the fact that after this rude awakening, she herself couldn't go back to sleep. Then, a thought came to mind: if she couldn't sleep, then Kise sure as hell was gonna wake up and do his homework at four-forty in the morning.

Thus, she had found herself at the Kise residence at five-thirty am. It was a wonder that anyone was awake. Initially, she had planned on calling the blond idiot to let her in, however, another blonde had returned from a morning jog.

" Ah? Well, it's very nice to meet you all, I'm sorry for making your little brother act more stupid than usual. " Kise's sister was much smarter and cooler than Kise. Yohime wondered what happened with him. " It's nice to meet you, please take care of me. "

" Nijicchi?! What are you- "

" Don't yell in the morning! You'll wake up everyone! " His sister was quick to shush the confused blond. " And don't use that tone with your girlfriend like that Ryouta! " Turning her back to her little brother (who might have started choking because- girlfriend?!) she beamed a megawatt smile at the other female. " Would you like a drink, Nijimura-san? "

Yohime returned the model's smile with her own genial one. " Oh please do not bother yourself on my account, Kise-san. I can help myself. "

" You are so kind, Nijimura-san! Why are you going out with my idiot brother? Please, call me Aneki! "

" Ah? Aneki? Then Yohime is fine. "

While the women chatter, Kise had stood there, stock-still and clad in his blue and white striped pajamas, wondering what alternate reality he had woken up in where Yohime was his girlfriend. Maybe he was still dreaming? Was he still asleep? In that case-

" If you stand there with your mouth open like that, a fly's gonna fly in. " Oh no, this was definitely real life. Yohime was never this cold with him in his fluff-filled dreams. " Here's the homework, you're only getting to copy this first page. " Kise's brow furrowed as her words set in.

" It's four pages-ssu! "

" Well if you got full marks that would be very suspicious now wouldn't it? "

" Mean-ssu! " He pouted. Nevertheless, he grabbed the sheet she had produced and made haste in getting up to his room. Lest she changed her mind. Leaving the two females to converse in the kitchen.


On their way to school a good hour later, something had dawned on Kise. This revelation had led to the basketball player looking over and stealing glances at the black-haired girl by his side. While this wasn't exactly an unusual phenomenon: " ... What? " Yohime inquired. " You've been glancing over at me a lot. Even more than usual. "

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now