「 七 」

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「 七 」 The Spartan Manageress

After a long and tiring— but rather eventful— day at school, Yohime had to drag herself to the basketball team's after school practice.

Not only because she was now the semi-unwilling manageress, but also because Kise still hadn't produced a (good) English literature analysis essay.

For that reason exactly, Yohime had very directly told the coach that Kise would not be able to participate in all the training drills that day, because she was going to make him write a decent essay.

At least she didn't have to bat away fangirls with a stick today, Yohime mused as she traveled down the path to the gym uninterrupted. They seemed to have learnt their lesson and kept clear from the boys' gym.

Even so, this could not ease her harshness towards Kise. Her grade was at stake after all.

" Your entire essay looks like it's been copied off Wikipedia. Show me your annotations. " Were her first words to the boy the moment she reached the gymnasium and spotted the flamboyant model.

Her order perplexed the boy: " What? "

It took Yohime a few moments to process what exactly he had an issue with and when she did, she almost slammed a basketball into the boy's face.

" Dear lord, give me the strength... " Yohime muttered under her breath before retrieving her own copy of the poem Kise was analyzing (or supposed to anyways).

" This— " she pointed a firm finger at her completely annotated, high-lighted and post-it note covered poem "— is called annotation. It's easier to write an essay analyzing a poem if you first analyze it on your copy of the poem and then transfer it over, " she stated as calmly as she could.

" ... How do you analyze a poem? " Kise asked hesitantly.

Her heart sank to her feet as she begun fearing for her grade.

" How did you pass junior high? " Yohime mumbled low enough for the blond to not catch it. " Ok. Look, basically... "

Basically, Yohime had to re-teach him everything that he was required to know about English literature analysis and was proud of herself by the end of it. Seeing that she didn't wring the model's neck.

While Kise began to try his hand at annotating, Yohime decided to start her managerial duties— she was really responsible, even if her image said otherwise— and scanned the courts from where Kise and her where sat to identify any weaknesses or areas of expertise that the team had. While doing so, she soon caught sight of something that needed her attention.

" Kise, " she said, garnering the male's attention. " Who is that boy on the green team wearing number 16? "

" Eh... I'm not sure, actually, " Kise replied an embarrassed flush rising to his cheeks. " I don't exactly know the names of many people on the team. "

Yohime sighed and rose from her rather comfortable seat. Crossing the court determinedly, she walked right into the midst of the mock game between second and third stringers.

" You. Green 16, " she stated curtly in a strong voice. " You need to stop, you're ankle's strained. "

" What? You don't know that! " Came 16's stuttered rebuff. Though, with the shiftiness of his eyes and the subtle way he tried to keep his weight off his left foot, Yohime was now even more certain that what she knew to be true was accurate.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now