「 十 」

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「 十 」 Delinquent... prefect?

" Are you sure you can't come with us, Nijicchi? " A blond model whined, bending over to put his face way into a certain black haired girl's personal space bubble. " Please come with us! "

With a deep sigh and the irritated click of her tongue, Yohime roughly shoved Kise's head away from her with two fingers to his forehead.

" I can't come, Kise, " Yohime sighed, reiterating herself for the nth time.

She had been going over the same thing for the past twenty minutes that morning— and at least two hours the day before and two hours more the day before that and..!— but Kise was incredibly persistent.

Or had short term memory loss due to the countless number of hits he received from Kasamatsu.

Kaijou's basketball regulars were embarking on a four-day training camp, skipping two days of school for special training— a perk (or torturous consequence) of being a regular.

Yohime, who still has Coach Takeuchi eating out of her hand, had kindly opted to not go, on account of having other more important things to do. Kise sulked like a child ever since.

" But I'll miss you, Nijicchi! " The blond's pout deepened as he clung to her like a kindergartner unwilling to leave his mother.

" I'll enjoy the break from you, " she stated, cruelly, with a smile. The boy blanched, horrified.

" Nijicchi! " Kise cried, fake tears welling up in his drama queen tantrum. Yohime just rolled her eyes and shoved him up into the bus before Kasamatsu and the rest of the regulars had an aneurism on account of him wasting time.

" Have fun at special training, " she drawled in a bored tone, waving lazily in parting just as the bus door slid shut. She watched as the bus pulled away, a blond head popping out of a loudly opened window.

" Bye Nijicchi!! " Kise yelled. " Don't forget you owe me lunch~ " He shouted back to the girl over a backdrop of loud yelling. Well, before Kasamatsu pulled him in and hit him repeatedly that is. That boy never learned.

Yohime sighed, feeling in pain on behalf of her savings account.

(She honestly didn't believe that idiot would have seriously gotten Bs in everything.)

With another heavy sigh, Yohime shoved her hands into the pockets of her school blazer and trudged wearily into the school gates, ignoring the vicious glares she received from Kise's fans.

The following day was the first day in a long that she hadn't encountered a member of the basketball team, and,  by God, she realized with a face scrunched up in distaste, that she somewhat felt the loss of their presence to be quite unsettling. It annoyed her to no end.

Yohime— dare she say it— missed them.

The girl hadn't realized exactly how much of her time the school's basketball team had commandeered, and with them gone, the stares and glares of Kaijou's student body were seemingly magnified.

Now that that irritating blond wasn't around, nothing could divert her attention from them. Yohime noted, with no little amount of disdain, that her peers (and, yes, even the teachers) gave her a wide berth when she walked down the hallways, whispered about her when they thought she couldn't here and watched her every single moved. One boy had even flinched when she walked past him.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now