「 十二 」

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「 十二 」 Regalia?

At the behest of her brother, Nijimura Yohime indeed sought out helpers.

However, she sought out the most unorthodox of the lot in the most unorthodox of ways.

Marching up to the Student Council Room, hair tied up in her neat and signature high pony tail with dark circles smudged under her eyes, Yohime was quick to ask her query of the Student Council President:

" Kaichou, who are the so-called delinquents of Kaijou High? "

That, was exactly how she came to learn of Oda Ryuusuke, Toyotomi Takeshi, Sanada Yuu and Minamoto Kei.

Pouring over her files during her free time in class whence she had finished whatever work her teachers had assigned her, she read over what information that the Student Council had accumulated on the four. While most had been rumors, she began to get a grasp on what made these boys "troublemakers".

First in her pile was Oda Ryuusuke of Class 2-B. From the scowl on his face in his student ID picture to his auburn eyes and jacinth colored hair; just about everything screamed quick tempered and explosive. According to his academic record, he did average in class; though his teachers commented that he had a hard time working with people and was rude. In the small slip of paper that was added off record, it seemed that everyone feared him. Rumor has it that he was a gang leader back in middle school and had extorted cash from students. Kaijou's society perceived him as a loose canon.

Glancing over the file of Sanada Yuu, who displayed a large and broad mischievous grin in his Class 2-A student ID photo, Yohime noted that his grades were on the average side, however every single one of his teachers commented that he was a nuisance in class, handed in work late and was always making noise. The inverted pudding-haired male was seen to be "good for nothing" and "useless", which was probably why, Yohime noted, that his grin didn't reach his chestnut colored eyes.

Next was Toyotomi Takeshi of Class 2-B. Yohime was initially doubtful as to why exactly his file was in her pile of "troublemaker" files, though she soon realized why the smiling silver haired, beryl eyed boy was. Despite his amazing academic record, his teachers commented that— despite him being polite and handing his work on time— his classmates hate to work with him and that he is insensitive towards his classmates; especially during class debates and the like. He was noted to be oblivious and even completely unaware of the feelings of others. According to rumors, he was a lazy rich boy who had everything handed to him on a silver platter, and while his father was noted in his file to be on the school's board of governors, Yohime had other notions regarding him.

Finally, was the ash-blond and grey eyed Minamoto Kei, who was impassive and stoic in his photo. Top of his class with exemplary marks, there were a few complaints of him being cold and taking on all the work when doing projects. There were also comments that he rarely participated in class and didn't seem to speak to anyone at all really. " Too quiet " was written down bluntly, which made a small pang of sympathy course through the dark haired girl. After all, Minamoto Kei's face quite mirrored her own.

Having selected every single one of them, she had found herself dropping ominous messages to them, summoning them to the roof at 4:40pm precisely after school— cautioning them to show up or die. Hence, out of curiousity, four second years had found themselves on Kaijou High's rooftop at that time exactly, eyeing each other warily as they waited in silence (after establishing that they all received the same summons).

At 4:50pm, Nijimura Yohime, head held high and face impassive opened the door to the roof with a loud creak to signal her presence and greeted her senpai-tachi with an even-toned: " Good afternoon. "

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now