「 二十六 」

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「 二十六 」 The title is MINE

Pin-drop silence ensued. Even before she quietly entered the room, her arms filled with chilled bottles of freshly purchased Pocari Sweat.

She got a chorus of understandably half-assed 'thank you's in response to her kindness, the boys gulping some of the sports drink down in almost complete silence in the tense waiting room air. It was still silent when she sat down silently beside Kise, and when she took a peek at him, he seemed to be lost in his own head. Usually, Kise would be talking her ear off before Kasamatsu grew tired of the blond "not taking things seriously" and beating him up. So this unusual level of silence was... strangely unnerving.

Though the silence was a reflection of the current mood: somber, despondent and frustrated.

The mood stuck to Kaijou like gum at the bottom of a shoe, following the team on into the second half. It certainly delighted Haizaki- much to Yohime's restrained fury.

" 'I won't sell the title of 'miracle' cheaply'? Saying that at this level... " Haizaki smirked " ... don't make me laugh. This is so easy, it doesn't even kill time! "

" Even Kise can get crushed...? " Yohime faintly heard Moriyama utter. It was among the murmurs being whispered among the crowds as everyone fixed their gaze upon Kise figure.

" I can't believe it... " A low whisper came from one of the reserve players besides her. " We're... Kise is.... actually going to lo- " His voice was caught in his throat when Yohime harshly yanked him around by the collar to face her.

" Don't you dare. " She snapped in his wide-eyed visage, her frustration ruthlessly pouring out in the face of her unfortunate outlet. " If you know what's good for you. Don't! " She barked angrily. The others on the bench turned their attention to her as she gritted her teeth harshly. " Do you think that the thing he needs right now is you doubting him? " She hissed, addressing all of them who sat on the bench.

By the time the regulars had gotten a slight respite at the end of yet another fruitless quarter, the mood on Kaijou's side was glum, to say the least. Kise himself was in a state of quiet melancholy (two words that never was and never should be associated with Kise Ryouta), as he sat elbows rested on his knees and head bowed on the bench- with the eyes of what seemed to be the world burning into him. So it was down to Yohime to fix the mood.

Pacing towards the crowded bench, a towel and bottle in hand: " Give us a moment. " She remarked pointedly, tilting her head threateningly to the side. The players on the bench scattered, abandoning the statue that was Kise to her, busying with other things as she sat down beside the scary-faced silent blond.

" I'm not clear on the details, and I don't really care for them. You and that guy undoubtedly have some sort of dark past that I don't know of. " She started, throwing a slightly damp cool towel over his neck. " All I know is that I'll be on the sidelines to see you show him how far behind you that dickhead truly is. " She stated with a haughty look and an even gaze, reaching up to ruffle the blond's (really freaking sweaty) hair.

" I stand by I said: Kick his ass. "

Kise let a smile of his own break onto his face as a weak chuckle rumbled in his chest. " ...Of course. "

The smile didn't stay for long.

Kise was right back on his knees once more as the fourth quarter had scarcely begun. Tendrils of worry swirled around in Yohime's gut as she gazed fixedly at Kise's leg- specifically his foot. She made sure to squash it just as Haizaki opened his goddamn mouth to bully Kise yet again.

" Come to think of it, you were crawling around just like that back in middle school, huh, Ryouta~ " Haizaki razzed. " Yeah! Yeah! I stole your girl go back in middle school too, didn't I? " He continued on, grating on just about everyone's nerves. " Not that I liked her or anything, I totally threw her away after boning her... "

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now