「 二十七 」pt.2

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This chapter has been long overdue, but I'm sure its contents will make up for it. It's one hell of a ride, so I hope you're ready for it. Do comment to let me know what you think of it! It really motivates me to read your reactions and makes my day~

- Charlotte


「 二十七 」pt.2 The End of the Line

' How could you, Nijicchi? ... You don't understand at all... ' Those words were stuck in the back of Kise's throat as he watched his upperclassmen take on Seirin with a troubled look. The cold hand that had come up to grasp his heart in a death grip only put pressure on his labored breathing as the dull ache of his offending injury just poured more salt into his cuts. He thought she would have understood. His eyes followed Kagami's figure intently, burning holes into the other ace. Then, in an instance, a twisted grin came to pull at his lips. ' How cruel. ' His golden eyes can't help but slide to the side to peer at she who didn't spare him a glance. His eyes blur and he clenches his fists. The only person who was truly capable of hurting him drove a dagger through his chest and twisted it slowly. ' Nijicchi is cruel. '

Now he sees. She is the moon. Beautiful, cold and distant. Forever out of his reach. Unattainable. Untouchable.

But he can't help but look at her.

On the other end of the bench, Yohime sat with an emotionless visage and a strong gaze. Those around her whispered about Kise, about how Kagami was being double-teamed from the get-go, about how Seirin was crushing Kaijou as Kuroko sunk a shot... about how nonchalant Kaijou's manager was about the entire situation. Even Coach Takeuchi who sat by the girl had this deep-set frown painting his features and the bench-warmers on her other side looked equally grim. But Yohime herself, Yohime alone, was unaffected. It seemed to everyone that the manager would not speak again after she harshly put her Ace in place when she uttered a statement:

" In all honesty, I'm not the best when it comes to the technical aspect of basketball... " Yohime commented to no one in particular, eyes locating a flash of pastel blue hair on the court before the phantom disappeared yet again off the court, " ... but Kasamatsu-senpai " she continued, " ... I think he's figured it out by now. " The Phantom Shot.

As Kaijou's manager said these words, on the other team's bench, Seirin's coach thought just as much. " Kuroko's been dodging the bullet. " She said. " We've faced Kaijou before, so misdirection won't work as well as the last time. And besides... " Riko murmured lowly, her eyes sliding to eye the raven haired girl on the other team, " ... that girl's very tricky. " As if noticing Riko's gaze, Yohime turns to her, her impassive lips pulling into an infuriatingly all-knowing sort of grin. She mouthed something, as she rises from the bench and exits the court, that will later send a chill down Riko's spine. " 44-44. "

Both females were quite right, naturally. Kasamatsu had stopped Kuroko's shot in the following minutes with a wide smirk of triumph. Eventually, with Kiyoshi sinking a shot just before the buzzer, halftime is called.

Kaijou and Seirin tie: 44-44

Riko made the sign of the cross as she peered at the numbers. The hairs on the nape of her neck stood.


" Please put me in Coach! " Kise never ever thought he'd grovel but, damn, here he was; practically on his knees in Kaijou's allotted locker room as his teammates sipped at their sports drinks (obviously from she-who-is-unattainable, Kise quickly deduced with a pang of pain, as he noticed she herself was not present having simply left the drinks on a bench and ghosting away). " I'm begging you, Coach! I'm the only one here who can stop Kagami, and you know it! "

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now