「 九 」

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「 九 」 Familiar Faces

" I tried really really hard, but I seriously can't study-ssu! You've got to help me, Nijimura-chan, I don't want you to kill me! "

That was how Kise Ryouta, first year model and heart throb of Kaijou High, fretted Nijimura Yohime, first year delinquent queen of Kaijou High.

" You're kinda like a baby in that aspect, hm? Needing adult supervision at all times so you actually do what you're supposed to, " Yohime commented offhandedly, not even batting an eyelash at the boy as she read her notes and sipped on her yogurt drink (recently procured from the vending machines) casually. " Go study on your own or I will kill you. "

Kise made a sort of noise in between a yowl and a whine in the back of his throat and pouted. " Nijimura-chan! You have to help me-ssu! "

" And why's that? " The mangeress asked in a dry tone, indulging him so that she could shut down this conversation faster and be left alone in peace.

Kise smiled widely, sure that she would help him now: " Coach told me to tell you that he orders you to help me-ssu! "

The dark haired girl raised an eyebrow, as she could here glass breaking in the distance over Kise's news.

Ordering? Her?

" Is that so? " Yohime cooed, voice trembling slightly in her rage.

Kise, missing the vicious edge to her tone, nodded enthusiastically with a " Yeah, yeah! "

Crushing her now empty drink box she clenched her teeth together in a faux sweet smile.

" Why, since our coach orders it, we shall study together again in the library after school today for two hours! " Yohime exclaimed, a crazed look in her eyes, not that the boy noticed at all, him being taken aback by the duration she specified.

" Two hours?! " Kise cried, horrified.

The girl smirked sadistically, putting her notes away as their teacher entered the room.

" It's enough. " She said darkly.

' Enough?! I think it's too long-ssu! ' The boy thought, not realizing the full weight of his previous words.

He soon learned that he should never ever ever tell her that she was ordered to teach her again.

An hour and twenty minutes into the study session and finally having a break from the quick fire quizzing with the threat of being flicked on the forehead by her should he get a question wrong, Kise (with a bright red and throbbing forehead) thoroughly regretted his life decisions.

Yohime had quizzed him on all the subjects at the same time, jumping from subject to subject; which didn't help to ease the confusion- especially since he was being flicked on the forehead by the sadistic girl every other question (or every question) seeing he got most wrong. Nevertheless, Yohime would always explain the answer to the questions he got wrong.

Now watching as the raven haired girl studied her notes, diligently highlighting key points, the blonde model couldn't help but marvel at how seriously she took her studies. Kise knew that Yohime was studious— quite extremely so— but the point to which she seemed to be buried in a book, or so ardently rereading her notes for the nth time, whenever she seemed to have a spare moment?

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now