「 二十一 」

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Um... 10K reads? I am blessed. Thank you to everyone who reads, votes and comments! You really keep me motivated! Hope you like this chapter! (The next one will be pretty fun to read too :33)


「 二十一 」 The Devil in the Details

After the heartbreaking finale to the Interhigh matches, Kaijou's Blue Elites had decided to extend their stay in Tokyo by a day or two to renew themselves before heading back to Kanagawa, something that Coach Takeuchi had agreed to rather easily- seeing as though Yohime had been standing just behind the first stringers with an expectant expression when they had asked.

She had taken that free time to take a tour of Tokyo, taking in the sights and sounds of her childhood home, and seeing how much it had changed from her memory. It was a rest day for her, seeing that this was the only day this week that she hadn't been confronted by Kaijou's regulars. Though, after that match, the separation was probably therapeutic for both parties.

Though she had wanted a break from basketball and all things basketball, her feet (and public transportation) had led her to a large street basketball court 30 minutes from Tokyo (where she grew up funnily enough) where there just happened to be a basketball tournament. Yohime sighed deeply, standing just outside the fringe of the spectators who had gathered to watch. Street Basketball 5 on 5, a proud banner had been stretched out and flyers posted on streetlights.

Sometimes, she felt as if her life was a badly written shoujo-twisted sports manga fan fiction.

Her sharp ears picked up something quite interesting as she drew closer to the court. " He alone defeated Seiho 32 – 51! " Someone had muttered to their companion, gesturing towards a tall pale boy standing near to a purple-haired giant (standing amidst more familiar people, she noted).

His face one she knew quite well.

Black hair, swept over half of his face and covering one of his brilliant gray eyes, fair-skinned and a pretty face that could rival Kise's, Himuro Tatsuya's face was not one she would easily forget. Though, even though she knew him, she doubted that he knew her. After all, the American boy wasn't actually her friend, rather, he was her older brother's. A friend that he made in America when her father had been sent there for treatment. She had seen a photo or two of his in the emails Shūzo sent her while he was away, though her brother neglected to mention that Himuro was a high-caliber basketball player, and was to be a 'returnee'.

Pulling out her phone, she dialed a number she memorized by heart as she turned away from the game, finding shelter under a gazebo as the first drops of rain fell. " Oi. " Yohime had breathed down the line without much thought, for he would have definitely known who it was. " I'm dropping by soon. Be prepared. " Ending the call after the last word fell from her lips, she took out her earphones and made to untangle them; really just passing time until her acquaintances arrived. And they did arrive with a shout. Namely:

" You!! " Kagami yelled, jumping forward and pointing at the unfazed black haired girl. Yohime sighed deeply and squeezed her eyes shut; thoroughly done. Was this going to be a thing with him? Was she destined to forever have him yell and point whenever she bumped into him??

" Ah. Hi Kagami-san, " silver eyes sliding over to a head of light blue hair she just managed to see peeking out from slightly behind, " Kuroko-san. " She greeted, causing the auburn haired male to jump and yell about getting a heart attack.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now