「 二十 」

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「 二十 」 And it goes a little something like this...

" Hah? You... "

Aomine definitely hadn't seen it coming, but now as he saw the black-haired manageress on the court donning her Kaijou uniform (sans blazer) he wondered why he hadn't seen her interest in watching him play basketball as a warning sign.

" Hello again, Aomine-san. " Yohime had replied with the bob of her head, and a perfectly blank face that just grated on Aomine's nerves. He grunted in his displeasure.

" So that explains it then.... " He drawled lowly, eyes narrowed. " You're his girl, eh? " It was at this point that Kise had come up behind Yohime and slung an arm around her shoulder possessively. An uncharacteristically serious expression on his chiseled features, the blond was unreadable as he spoke:

" Nijicchi is the manager of our team, Aominecchi. "

There was a moment of silence where the former teammates sized each other up with scrubbing ing gazes (as Yohime watched mildly fascinated by the inner workings of the minds of alpha-like testosterone-fueled boys).

" ... Kise. " Aomine had spoken, breaking the silence with an even-toned greeting.

" Aominecchi. " Kise returned in kind.

Good grief, it was tense alright. Yohime felt like she might have been crushed under the intensity of their stares if they were trained on herself instead of each other- but she'd never tell anyone that for fear of tarnishing her reputation.

" You need to warm up, idiot. Get your ass in gear. " Yohime hissed in the most annoyed tone she could muster under the circumstances, quickly herding Kise away from Aomine, but not before adding to the blue-haired boy: " You should warm up too, Aomine-san, this match will be pretty rough. "

" Do you really think this match will be tough? " Kise asked as the pair made their way to the rest of the team.

" I know it will be. " Yohime sighed, but then flashed Kise a short-lived and cocky smile. " But I know you'll give him hell. I believe in you, pretty boy, so don't let me down. "

Yohime didn't hear him, but when it was time for both teams to head onto the court, Kise whispered: " Thank you, Nijicchi. "

It was tense as Aomine and Kise faced each other on the polished wooden court. Tenser than previously when Yohime was there.

" I won't lose to you, Aominecchi. " Kise commented in a teasing lilt. No one would have noticed the danger and promise that lurked behind his mirth less golden eyes. No one who didn't actually know the blond anways.

Aomine smirked across from him. " Have you ever won against me? " The indigo-haired male asked rhetorically, but Kise wasn't disheartened. The positively poisonous smile never left his lips.

" I really don't want to lose today. " He declared. There was no more time for talk after that, as the whistle blew and both Kobori and Wakamatsu jumped for the tipoff amongst the screams of the crowd.

From the beginning of the game, it was plain so see that the match between the powerhouses would come down to the battle between Kise and Aomine. Just as Yohime had warned, the beginning of the match had begun with a one on one between the Miracles, with Kasamatsu passing Kise the ball that Kobori had won in the tipoff, as he was instructed to do by his manageress. Yohime bit her lip harshly as she saw the sadistic looking Captain of the opposing team move to, and successfully steal the ball as Kise made to drive past Aomine; and cursed under her breath as Sakurai (shaking and nervous-looking) made a three pointer with a cry of: " I'm sorry! "

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now