「 十九 」

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「 十九 」 A day out, but not a day off

Everyone said that Tokyo was crowded and congested, but boy... She did love it.

It was a pleasantly cool day, by the standard of Tokyo's summers. The tall buildings in Shibuya casted shade over the busy inhabitants of the area, and it seemed like just everyone was out that day. Yohime herself had succumbed to the lure of a spot of shopping at Shibuya, and had taken the train up from Kanagawa in order to do so. Honestly, she felt like it would be a nice and peaceful day.

That was until...

" Nijicchi!! " A very familiar, very unwelcomed voice called. Yohime considered hiding, but had too much self pride for that, so settled on ignoring it instead. " Yoo-hoo~  Nijicchi~~ " Dammit. She felt her cheeks get warmer as she noticed random people and pedestrians were now turning around and looking.

" Have you no shame? " She hissed, slamming her hand over his mouth.

" Yo, Nijimura, what are you doing in Shibuya? " Kasamatsu asked, first bumping the girl (which helped him in lying to himself and pretending she was male).

" Enjoying my break from Kise. " She replied almost instantaneously. Kise pouted but said nothing seeing that Yohime still had her hand slapped over his mouth. The blonde settled for pouting deeply and flailing his arms around wildly in his displeasure. 

" Huh, some luck you've got. " Kise's flailing increased in intensity at his captain's words.

" I know right? " By this time Kise pulled Yohime's hand from his face and took to making his complaints vocal:

" Ehhhh... Nijicchi is so mean to me-ssu " He sighed, clutching his heart as if she physically wounded him. She didn't bat an eyelash at his antics. Then, Kise seemed to get a brainwave. Peeling up considerably (Yohime could just see the anime sparkles around him, oh yes) he cried cheerfully- " Kasamatsucchi and I are going shopping for basketball shoes! Come with us! "

" No thanks it's really ok- " He didn't wait for her reply (or rather he ignored it), grabbing her hand and dragging her towards his place of interest with a holler of- " Come on! Before everything's sold out! "

Kise, with his death grip or otherwise, had ended up being pulled apart from Yohime within ten minutes of entering the department store. While it should have been rather easy for him to locate her (seeing that he had Kasamatsu with him and both of them were of a significant height) the fact of the matter was that Yohime ended up alone in a department store, surrounded by tourists and other shoppers alike.

She had considered leaving and continuing her day in peace, but she felt just a smidgen bad. And didn't want him complaining to her when he saw her next. Hence, she did the logical thing and went up to where the basketball shoes were being sold. Unfortunately, Kise wasn't as smart as she had hoped. Severely overestimating him, she had found herself on her own in the men's footwear section of the sporting goods level; breathing in the smell of rubber soles. How annoying.

" I wonder what's his size? " Yohime wondered idly as she let her gaze sweep across the various basketball shoes that would bring a basketball junkie to his knees praising the lord. Whipping her phone out, she half smirked, half grimaced. " Bet I can find it online. " She did.

Eventually leaving that section, she walked around the store idly, stopping ever so often to finger a piece of clothing that caught her fancy, or to try on a pair of shoes that looked nice. In the most surprising of places- the ladies cosmetics section- she had found two familiar figures. Or rather, Kagami in his great hulking and panting mess ran right into her like a freight train derailed.

" You! " Kagami had cried upon noticing her, shoving his finger so close to her face that she was tempted to bite it (but she was doubtful as to the cleanliness of them and thus chose to not). Sighing heavily, " Oh. " was all Yohime had to offer, though the other first year wasn't satisfied with just "Oh".

" 'Oh?!' " He parroted. " 'Oh?!' That's all you have to say?! " Yohime scoffed and flicked his hand away from her face.

" What do you want me to do? Dramatically yell 'you' as well? " Yohime razzed with a straight face, which only served to rile up her redhead acquaintance even more.

" You- "

" You shouldn't speak to girls like that Kagami-kun. " Yohime bit down on her tongue to prevent her from shrieking at the blue haired phantom's sudden appearance. Donning an almost tutting look, it seemed that Kuroko shocked Kagami as well if his loud cry of  " K-Kuroko?! " was anything to go by. Composing herself:

" Hello again, Kuroko-san. " She greeted the Phantom with a polite nod and an analytical gaze. If Kuroko had been perturbed by her strong look, he never let it become privy to her.

" I'm sorry about him. " He apologized, before turning to his companion and adding- " Kagami-kun, weren't we running away? "

Kagami breathed in sharply. " GAH! " And then, without so much as a goodbye or some other form of polite farewell, the red head bolted- dragging the shorter bluenette with him.

" Weirdos. " Yohime muttered under her breath as she watched them go. Running her hand through her hair and glancing in a random direction- " Ooh! " That's a really nice jacket...

By the time Kasamatsu and Kise had found her, she had amassed a huge gathering of paper bags filled with her shopping. Kise was the one who ran to her and pulled her to his chest, squashing her into his pectoral muscles and wailing about how he thought he would never see her again (and about how he missed the sale). Highly unamused, Yohime scowled and pushed Kise away with a fierce look (though if anyone looked closely enough they would be able to see the lightest dusting of pink on the apples of her cheeks).

" Why didn't you just call me, idiot? I tried calling you but your phone was turned off, so I just went shopping while waiting. " She snapped. Kise cowered for a moment under the ferocity of her gaze before crying out in his defense:

" Then why didn't you call Kasamatsucchi?! "

Kasamatsu had answered that with a slap to the back of the blond's head. " You dragged me out of my house before I could grab my phone, Baka-Kise! " The third year cried. " Even if she did call me it wouldn't have mattered! "

Kise looked awfully pitiful with crocodile tears in his eyes, a massive pout on his face and murmuring about how the world abhorred him.

Rolling her eyes, Yohime plucked a white paper bag from her arms and shoved it into the blonde's arms with a curt- " Anyways, here. " Much to his confusion.

" Eh? "

" I knew you'd forget to buy the shoes so I bought them for you. " She had indeed learnt his foot size from some fansite. Fangirls were scary scary things.

Kise was reminiscent of a golden retriever at that moment. In fact, Yohime swore that she could see his tail wagging and his ears perked up in glee. " Ah! Nijicchi really cares about me! " He swooned. She was unimpressed. " How much do I owe- "

" 29,999 yen. Not including interest. "

" HAH?! " Suddenly Kise felt very much like lightning had struck him.

Moral of the story: never get Yohime to buy something for you because she will choose the most expensive product and charge interest.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now