「 八 」

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「 八 」 He must learnth to shuteth upeth

It was a relatively peaceful 4pm for everyone.

The basketball club had just began to set up for another day of practice, enjoying the calm atmosphere with the hum of excited chatter that came with the end of another day of school.

Too bad that peace was broken with the sudden and almost deafening bang of the gymnasium door being slammed open. A certain loud first year regular bounded up to the rest of the basketball regulars in a sweaty, huffing, excited mess.

" I got a B+ in English Literature-ssu! " Kise hollered, waving a bunch of very crumpled papers like a flag. " I have a B! A B+! " The regulars all but simultaneously dropped their things like they were shot. Hayakawa was the first one to speak.

" What?! The wo(r)ld is ending! " And for some magical reason (actually not exactly, because word had gotten around about Kise's less than appealing scores), Hayakawa was understandable. Hence— " Hey! " — came Kise's offended response to the lack of faith they had in his grades.

A shiver ran down everyone's spine as a particularly ominous and dark presence drew closer.

" I don't see how you got an B+, " Yohime commented drily, entering the gym a whole lot calmer than the blonde before her. " I literally gave you a minimal amount of work and even gave you a scaffold for your essay writing. With the level of the analysis I had you do, you should have gotten an A- at least, idiot. "

She tutted with a look of blatant disapproval plastered to her face. Kise pouted at her harsh words.

" Then what did you get then, Nijimura-chan?! " The blond exclaimed, bravely sticking a finger in his face.

" A+, " she replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her words fell like a thunder strike.

" In English Literature?! " Came the unanimous response of the basketball regulars.

" Are you a foreigner?! " Was Kise's next statement.

Yohime sighed and rolled her eyes, more than 100% done with the blonde pretty boy.

" I am not a foreigner, " she answered, in English to test a theory.

" You are! " The idiot cried, all but shoving his finger in Yohime's face. The girl sighed and swatted his hand away. That explained his B+.

Even with such a brilliant essay structure, if he wrote it grammatically wrong or with a piss poor vocabulary, it would have been for naught.

Yohime, half annoyed at herself for not spotting his grammar and vocabulary difficulties (and half annoyed at Kise for not informing her), fixed the blond in question a glare, shooing him away to go change with a threat of her hitting him. It was a command he chose to comply with, wisely scampering off to go ready himself for practice.

In the mean time, the regulars stood shiftily around the studious girl, exchanging looks. Finally:

" Hey, Nijimura-san...? " Moriyama started unsurely. "... Can you tutor me in English? My English isn't very good... At all. " His tone was unsure and it was a hundred percent because he was hit in the face with a shoe by her once.

Remembering how unfair she was to the third year a while back, Yohime felt a smidgen bad for the way she acted back then. Tired or not, she shouldn't have done that to the poor guy. So, with a sigh:

" Ok. Are you free after practice today? I'll tutor you at my house. "

That started the chain reaction that she should've seen coming.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now