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"Jisoo! Arise! The final hour is striking! The world is ending!"

Jisoo immediately jumped when she heard Jennie's continuous screams. She rushed out of the glass igloo and stumbled, falling head first into a soft patch of white snow.

"It's the end of the world!" Jennie hollered, holding a cloth over her face to prevent the snow from touching her.

"Jennie no that's just-"

"Poison! Remove the poison from your face Jisoo!"

"No, it's snow!"

"The snow is going to bring demise to us!"

"Just calm down for a second!"

It was clear that her heart raced and her face flushed with fear, she was completely pale and not just because it was freezing cold.

Jisoo looked around to see everything covered in a blanket of white. The snow sparkled in the sun and glistened like diamonds. From above a bunch of snowflakes fell down, showering them in white.

As Jisoo assessed the situation, she couldn't help but laugh very loudly.

"Oh no! The poison affected your brain!" Jennie screamed in horror.

It was a rare instance where mischief glimmered in Jisoo's eyes. She couldn't help it, she scooped up some snow and formed a ball. Then she stood up and tossed it at the princess.

The snowball came flying her way, Jennie screamed in terror, not knowing what was the substance that had hit her.

"Aaaaah!" She screamed, running away as Jisoo chased her.

"It's not poisonous, it's just cold!" Jisoo assured, catching her.

She wrapped the other up in her arms, wanting to reason. But the speed made both of them stumble down and land in the field of snow. A cold wind hit their faces, they shivered from head to toe.

"Ah!" The princess yelped, clinging further onto Jisoo who was on top of her.

"Look! It's not dangerous!" Jisoo picked up more snow to form two hearts, she pressed them against Jennie's cheeks.

"It's burning me!" She squeezed her eyes shut as tears gathered, her heart was hammering in her ribcage.

"Calm down, I'm here!" She dropped the hearts and pulled the other up, hugging her as they sat down.

"Come on, you know if it was dangerous I wouldn't act so carefree! I would definitely protect you with my life. If it really was poison, I would have swallowed every single drop, so that nothing could harm you."

Jennie stirred in her arms, her violent trembling stopped at once. She opened her eyes slowly, her head still glued on Jisoo's shoulder as she peeked out.

"The snow is not dangerous...?" She asked meekly.

"No. It's fun actually." Jisoo promised, patting her head as the other sighed in relief, she let out a deep breath that she was holding.

"It's not going to burn me...?"

"No way. I wouldn't let it if it could."



Jennie nodded her head, thanking Jisoo as she dared to finally detach herself from her. She still winced when she felt the snowflakes brush her skin but she wasn't that scared anymore. Not with Jisoo's reassurance. She trusted her fully.



"What exactly is this.... snow?" She emphasised the strange word that was foreign on her tongue.

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