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i. flashback: jisoo

In the war-torn city of Gaya, where the echoes of conflict hung through every street and the acrid scent of smoke covered them, Jisoo's family somehow found the strength to blend everything out and be happy together.

The relentless noise of battles, the distant rumble of cannons and the shattering of buildings became a background melody in their daily lives.

Even in the darkest of times, Jisoo's parents found ways to bring light into their daughter's life.

They shielded her from the harsh realities, surrounding her with affection and care. And on that unforgettable birthday, her father presented her with a pony.

"Give him a name." Her father urged, handing her the white pony with blue mane.

"Trojan!" Jisoo said right away.

"What a cool name!" Her father praised, ruffling her hair.

Only that was a distant memory and now Jisoo was all on her own. Sometimes she wonders if it would have been better to die with her family than live alone.

Trojan, still in pony size, nudged her shoulder, reminding her that she was not alone. She gave him a weak smile, nodding her head. She was so young, yet she had to fend for herself.

Bereft of her family, Jisoo was thrust into a world of uncertainty at the tender age of seven. In a war-stricken and impoverished country, danger lurked around every corner. Gaya was once her home, now it was a battlefield.

She wandered through the rubble-strewn streets, her senses attuned to the subtle vibrations of imminent danger. The constant threat of explosions remained. Days turned into months as Jisoo desperately sought refuge. She scoured through the remnants of shattered homes, scavenging for scraps of food to satiate her and Trojan's gnawing hunger.

It was during one particularly perilous day that Jisoo's luck took an unexpected turn. As she wandered near the port, hoping to find shelter from the storm of war, she caught sight of a boat docked at the pier. The merchants were preparing to set sail. In that fleeting moment, Jisoo made a quick decision.

With bated breath, she found a hidden nook aboard the boat, concealed beneath a tattered sail. She huddled there, her pony beside her. The boat creaked, slowly disentangling itself from the harbour, so Jisoo closed her eyes, taking a moment to rest. The boat sailed forth, carrying her and her pet as a blind passenger.

When she woke up, she was in the kingdom Baekje. It was much more vibrant than the destroyed Gaya. Even though it was also full of poverty, at least she didn't have to run anymore from hidden explosives.

She marched through the city's markets, her tired eyes scanning the stalls in search of opportunities. The scent of freshly baked bread mingled with the tantalising scent of ripe fruit, teasing her senses while reminding her of her persistent hunger.

Jisoo's gaze fixated on a vendor selling plump, juicy apples. Her stomach growled in protest, her hunger gnawing at her. That's when she took notice of a woman, her eyes drawn to the figure standing amidst the crowd.

The woman exuded confidence, her movements were quiet and fast. Her dark, cascading hair framed a face adorned with piercing eyes that seemed to hold countless untold stories. Sunlight gently kissed her skin.

Jisoo watched as the woman's eyes darted from side to side, surveying the surroundings. She slipped her hand into the basket of apples, taking them one by one and stashing them into her shoulder-bag. The vendor was engrossed in a conversation with another customer and remained oblivious to the theft taking place before him.

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