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After recent events Jisoo found herself on bedrest. Which is something she would never do if it wasn't for Jennie who asked her to rest. No, actually she commanded her to rest. If Jisoo remembers correctly she said something along the lines of, 'move a finger and that's the last action it took in this lifetime.'

Yes, Jennie is getting bossier with each passing day. The only difference now is that she is much more calm in serious situations or even situations that upset her. Back then, she would throw a fit and childishly sulk in the corner while hissing at everyone. In Jisoo's eyes she has matured.

Jisoo was lying on a bed of wool that was messily sewed together when the commotion from upstairs left her restless. She was sure she heard Jennie's screams. Her body immediately moved by habit, though she had to limp her left feet along the wooden ship.

The light upstairs made Jisoo squint her eyes and flicker around in search for the silver haired girl. She found her near the steering wheel.


She yelled at Yoona who tried to backtrack but had nowhere to escape to, except for jumping into the water. Oh so that's what it was about. Jisoo sighed.

"Jennie is angry?" Lisa was shocked with the display of the nowadays rare sight. "What did you do Jisoo?"

"Hey, I'm not the one to receive her wrath here. It's the Captain."


"Jisoo! Pick up your princess! She wants to kill me!" Yoona called frantically.

"It's deserved! Don't expect help from me!" Jisoo stuck her tongue out.

"What's deserved?" Lisa asked for insight.

"Basically Yoona made Jennie get the egg of a monster bird, telling us it's very important in order to reach Silla. Now it turns out, she scammed us and she was just hungry, as well as too lazy to get the main ingredient of her breakfast on her own."

"That bird almost dragged me into a boiling volcano! All for your breakfast! Breakfast!" Jennie threw her arms in the air and spaced around as anger consumed her. "It scorched me to ash almost!"


Jisoo joined the conversation, worry bubbling up in her. Her concerned and confused look gained Jennie's attention and unintentionally created an opportunity for Yoona to sneak away.

"It's nothing really.." Jennie murmured quietly as Jisoo stepped closer with accusing eyes. "It's just- Haein kinda wanted to leave me to pass away in there but that was before we became friends so-"

"What!?" Jisoo yelped in horror. "Ah that idiot! I will destroy him!"

The raven was on her way to the edge of the ship and ask Yuri to lay down the plank so she can exit to the coast but Jennie was quick to clutch her arm. The fact that Jisoo was handicapped for the time being made it easy.

"I'm perfectly fine and our dispute is long settled."


"I'm fine." Jennie spoke more sternly this time and squeezed her wrist a bit tighter as she emphasised each word. When Jisoo's eyes wavered, Jennie let go and flashed her a small smile.

"He is an ally as of now. We shall not do anything to strain that valuable connection, understood?" Jennie asked more softly this time.

Jisoo simply nodded in trance as if Jennie put a spell on her, she for sure always maintained a strong hold on her but with her confidence growing that hold is going to squeeze her impossibly tight.

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